BZ380 Management Information Systems Assignment 4

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double‐spaced pages; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements.

  • Describe three (3) ways in which information systems are transforming business… View a Sample Answer
  • Discuss telecommunication operations and three (3) security measures to ensure protection of information.

Sample Answer

Telecommunication operations in a firm entail all those sets of physical devices and software applications that are essential for the successful operation of an enterprise. It also entails all the services budgeted by the management, which comprises of both human and technical competencies. The services in a given firm are capable of providing information to its suppliers, employees and clients are as a result of its telecommunication operations. They should be able to support the organization’s business and information systems strategies. The services include telecommunication services that provide information, voice, and video connectivity to customers, employees and contractors (Rainer, Prince, & Cegielski, 2013). Another example is information technology standard services that provide the enterprise with policies that determine which technologies to be used, when and how they can be utilized effectively. Business owners need to make security and control of their information a priority. In information technology, security refers to the policies, processes, and other technical measures put in place by the organization in order to prevent unauthorized access, change, theft, or physical destruction to their information systems. Controls on the other hand are the methods used to ensure that the safety of the firm’s assets is adhered to.

Malicious software programs commonly known as malwares include various threats like computer viruses, worms and Trojan horses. Business owners therefore have to ensure that their computers are well protected from such malwares so as to protect their information and data. Other possible threats include hackers, who are individuals who try to access unauthorized computer system. Many firms are reluctant to spend on security because they are not directly linked to sales revenues. However, legal and regulatory requirement for electronic records management are compelling all companies to take security and control measures as priorities. Information can be protected by the use of general and application controls. General controls include software controls which monitor the use of the software and prevent any authorized access of the programs in the system (Reynolds & Stair, 2013). The other one is hardware controls which ensure that the hardware is physically safe and secure , other firms make provisions for backup services just in case of any failures. Another example is data security controls that ensures that essential business information are not subjected to unauthorized persons. Application controls that are specific or unique to each computerized application can also be used to protect information.


  • List and describe the organizational, management, and technology dimensions of information systems.

Information systems are sets of interrelated mechanisms that collect, process, store and distribute data with the aim of supporting decision making and controls in an enterprise. It also helps managers and other employees in analyzing problems, visualizing complex matters, and creating new products. In order to gain a better understanding of information systems, one has to learn about its organizational, management and technology dimensions.  This kind of knowledge is referred to as information systems literacy (Laudon & Laudon, 2016). This is in contrast to computer literacy which focuses on knowledge of information technology only. The first part is the organizational dimensions, and it is seen that information systems comprise an essential section of all organizations. People take the lead as the most essential elements of an organization followed by structures in place, business procedures, political issues and then the culture that culture embraced in the organization. The structures are comprised of various specialties and levels, while authority and responsibilities are organized in a hierarchical manner. The upper level consists of managers, technical and professionals employees, while the lower level comprises of operational personnel.

The second one is the management which has the main role of making decisions as well as formulating methodologies for resolving the rising organizational challenges. Managers identify problems in the business, formulate strategies that respond to organizational issues, and finally allot financial and human resources for coordination of roles in order to achieve the desired organizational goals. Information technology enables managers in designing and delivering new products and services due to the changing technologies. The final part is information technology dimension, which is one of the many tools that mangers use when undergoing organizational changes. It consists of computer hardware – the physical equipment used to input process and output all the activities in the information system (Laudon & Laudon, 2016). It also consists of the computer software, which entails all the preprogrammed commands that control the hardware in an information system. The other component is the technology for managing data that comprises of the software that controls the organization of information stored in physical media.

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