Adoption of Standardized Terminologies in Practice – NR-512 Discussion

Standardized Language in nursing is the terminology used by those in the nursing profession. The importance of this language is that it ensures better communication among the nurses and other health care providers as well and it helps to improve the patient’s care (Rutherford, 2008). It also enables ease in visibility of the nursing interventions. In research, it is used to enhance data collection so as to evaluate effectively the nursing care outcomes. It also makes the nurses to have a greater adherence to the nursing standards of care. Lastly, it facilitates the assessment of the competency of nurses(Matney, & Lundberg, 2013).

There are several terminologies that are used by the nursing professionals in the different fields of practice. In nursing practice for example, the terminology, NANDA-I, which stands for the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International helps maintain the agreed set of the nursing diagnoses which are organized in classes and domains. In NANDA, a nursing diagnosis has an associated label or name and a textual definition as well. Each diagnosis may have a several defining characteristics and the associated risks. The additional features are useful to aid in diagnosis(Hardiker, 2011).

NANDA uses a multiaxial taxonomy so as to organize the nursing diagnosis into domains and classes. This is used in practice to provide an organizational framework for the NANDA nursing diagnoses(Hardiker, 2011). NANDA thus simplifies data and also makes it potentially easy to use and implement.

This terminology should be selected without any doubt because of its importance. As mentioned earlier, NANDA helps to categorize nursing diagnoses to ease it use. This terminology should thus be used because diagnosis is very important for a nurse in the determination of the patient’s care. The diagnosis derives patient outcomes and interventions thus enabling the nurse to prepare an appropriate care plan. These diagnoses are also able to provide a very standard nomenclature which can be used for the Electronic Health Record thus making communication clearer and easier to the care team as well as the continous collection of data which can help in improving the patient’s care(Hardiker, 2011). This thus shows why NANDA as a terminology is important in the nursing profession.

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