Should Internet Hate Sites Be Monitored and Regulated?

This paper discusses regulation of internet hate sites and explains reasons why such hate sites should be regulated and monitored. It further explains whether monitoring and regulating hate sites might infringe upon freedom of speech or not. With an increase in the use of the internet, debates surrounding regulation of hate speech have been seen to take a new turn in the United States. In fact, a thoughtful legal community has tried to deal with the issue of whether or not the introduction of the internet requires reconsideration of First Amendment that entails protection of hate speech (Taylor, Fritsch, Liederbach, & Holt, 2011). A considerate body of legal scholarships has been of the view that the internet possesses an amplifying effect in respect to hate speech such that, the speech that is spread over the internet has far much damaging effects as compared to speech that is conveyed through other forms of media. This, therefore, implies that there is need for strict monitoring and regulation of internet hate sites.

In regard to the question of whether or not internet hate sites should be monitored and regulated by the government, a few scholars such as Taylor et al. (2011) have suggested a number of reasons why regulation is a necessity. First they claim, basing on the statistics that the number hate groups have been increasing gradually since the introduction of the internet. According to the report filed by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), most internet hate site users target women and children in their online conversation. Hate sites should be regulated and monitored because online hate amounts to a public wrong. Most internet hate sites are responsible for spreading hate propaganda. These are the kinds of speeches whose motive is to provoke and encourage tension and animosity among different cultural and social groups in the society. Regulation and monitoring of hate sites by the government will counter the aims of such sites to provide ground for maltreatment of members who belong to a victimized group. The spread of hate speeches, in most cases, denigrates, humiliates, and undermines the self-worth of the victimized group members (Taylor et al., 2011). Therefore, regulation of hates sites is essential in the sense that it reduces and prevents the spread of hate speeches over the internet. This will then, eradicate fear among victimized groups members and encourage their full participation in society issues.

In the view of Taylor et al. (2011), monitoring and regulating hate sites does not infringe upon freedom of speech. It is essential to note that every citizen of the U.S. has a right to freedom of speech. However, it should, also, be clear that this freedom of speech is not absolute the point that encourages public wrongs in the name of freedom. This is because some speeches could be outlawed in one way or the other. These speeches could involve internet hate sites, obscenity, child pornography, fraudulent advertising, and fighting words. In most cases, such forms of hate speech attract a compelling government interest. In this case, it is within law for the government to regulate and monitor internet hate sites in the event that they threaten national safety. This does not amount to infringement on the freedom to speech of internet hate site operators and users.

In conclusion, this paper discussed regulation of internet hate sites and explained reasons why such hate sites should be regulated and monitored. Hate sites should be regulated and monitored because online hate amounts to a public wrong. Therefore, regulation of hates sites is essential in the sense that it reduces and prevents the spread of hate speeches over the internet. It is within law for the government to regulate and monitor internet hate sites in the event that they threaten national safety and this does not amount to infringement upon freedom of speech.

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