Has The Juvenile Court Outlived its Usefulness?

The juvenile courts constitute special courts that handle the young offenders by trying and giving judgments to cases related to the crime committed by minors. More often, young adolescent children who commit crime are sometimes treated differently from the adults. The prime role  of juvenile court system is to  decide  the legal issues  with regard  to diverse cases reported, the handle cases of delinquency that is crime committed by  minor and dependency which is non-parental person  who is  chosen to care for  a minor. They further determine the type of services that should be offered to family and whether the child should be returned  to the community or the family. such kind of  implications in the united states has consequences on  survival  of families,(Jennifer 2005).

For instance , children are  highly valued and are seen as the continuation of  their lineage, children are too  expected to contribute  to the social  group by acting as agents of doing the daily chore while  in the homestead ,like cooking hence the  responsibility of the upbringing  become the  work of the group or family.

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However juvenile was formed primarily to provide supervision and monitor the youth under the jurisdiction so that they comply with the court orders, while there, they are being assisted by the juvenile probation officers whom they support them in the needs they require, they also give direction, guidance and the rehabilitation services so that they encourage them and support their efforts toward changing the delinquent behavior

According to Piquero, (2000),The courts  involves itself in mentoring programs, the officers initiate programs that will provide youth with positive adult contact and thereby  reduce  risk factors like the anti-social behavior  and lack of commitment  to  schools ,the mentors provide  youth with personal  connectness  and cultural enrichment opportunities ,knowledge of spiritually  and values thus giving hope for the future.

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Inspite of great significant The juvenile court has outlived its usefulness in instilling good behavior to children. Psychologist in the United States  have identified as a factor that the existing juvenile system  contributes to trauma. The practices in the juvenile system would naturally lead to elimination of intellectual practices which also  frequently  represent unacceptable  socialization and  development

Indeed ,the negative development consequences  existing in the juvenile court simply puts more harm incase a child is in neurobiological  and psychological development. just as children have a   developmental need s to limits, they too have e an equally important need to  encounter  predicable  boundaries and structure where  a balance between the  punishment and permissiveness should  be measured and timely, this is  essential for effective intervening  with the low and moderate offenders.

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When dealing with youth in this setting, we ought to be aware of individual disorders that result to conflict and rebellious acts. To bring to its normalcy, juvenile system must further asses the condition resulting to the delinquent behavior of the child. It may be as a result of the family history of problem criminal involvement and family social economic status. The notion of an attention is requirement that s relatively needed for effective rehabilitation program (Benjamin & Emily,(2006).

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