Relationship Between Political Parties and the Electoral Process

Assignment Instructions

Write a three (3) page paper on the relationship between political parties and the electoral process in which you:

  1. Identify three to four (3-4) ideological differences between America’s two (2) major political parties.
  2. Analyze key reasons why third parties have never been successful at the presidential level.
  3. Determine the role of the campaign process in maintaining the two-party system. Use examples to support
  4. your response.
  5. Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment.

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The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are to:

  • Infer a theory why the U.S. has only two major political parties.
  • Develop reasoned written and spoken presentations on issues and questions involving the U.S. government and national political processes using information in the course.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in the field of U.S. government and politics.

Relationship Between Political Parties and the Electoral Process

Ideological Differences Between America’s Two (2) Major Political Parties.

The United States of America is founded on the foundation that each and every citizen is entitled to a voice in the government’s decisions that our government makes. The two main political parties used by American Citizens as a way to voice their apprehensions as well as cast their votes include the Republicans and the Democrats. There are other third parties in America that citizens can become members of, however, these parties are yet to succeed at the presidential level. The process of campaigning is a major influencing force in the succession of politicians and the success of their political parties on a presidential level (Hibbing, John, & Elizabeth, 2002).

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The Republicans and the Democrats have a number of ideological dissimilarities between them. The first ideological distinction lies in their fundamental core beliefs. Republicans deem that each person is liable for his or her personal place in the society. At the center of the Republican ideologies is the principle of limiting the interference of government as a way of individual success and that the government should only interfere on a very controlled capacity (Hibbing, John, & Elizabeth, 2002). Democrats on the other hand believe that it is the government’s responsibility to take care of majority of its citizens even if it has to give up some individuals’ rights while doing it. Democrats favor monopolization of power in Washington D.C. and they also favor interventions at federal level that would substitute community centered solutions.
A second major ideological dissimilarity between the Republicans and the Democrats lies in their views regarding the economy. Republicans suppose that free enterprise is the most ideal course of action. Democrats on the other hand suppose that the government should guide business resolutions and they are also in support of labor unions.

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The third difference in the philosophical beliefs of Republicans and Democrats is in regards to taxes and government spending. Republicans advocate for cuts in government spending and they also deem that every individual should be in control of his/her own individual finances. Democrats on the other hand believe that the federal government rather than specific citizens should be in charge of spending. Another difference in their ideological beliefs lies in the Education sector. Republicans believe that all students in America, regardless of their race or socio-economic background should be capable of reading and math and thus schools ought to be accountable for students’ progress through testing (Hibbing, John, & Elizabeth, 2002). Democrats on the other hand believe that tests are not the solution and that they largely waste the educators’ time. In line with this principle, Democrats believe that students should remain in their respective schools, even when the school is under performing and not teaching as it should.

Reasons Why Third Parties have Never been Successful at the Presidential Level

While numerous people may comment that a third political party is the remedy to most of the political dilemmas being faced in this country, their are a number of reasons why such third parties remain unsuccessful (John, et. al., 2012). One reason for this lack of success is that most third political parties have traditionally arose from radical thinkers as a result of frustration instead of the ideal reasonable middle of the road thinkers.

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Another reason for this absence of success of third parties is because their initial leaders did not successfully create strong lasting leaders that would head the party for a lengthy period of time (Zak, 2003). Lack or limited resources such as money and a lack of powerful and influential sponsors is also another reason for lack of success of the third political parties at the presidential level. Money, powerful leaders, and business relationships are all indispensable factors for a political party’s success at the presidential level.

Role of the Campaign Process in Maintaining the Two-party System

The campaign activity has an important role in preserving a two-party system. The key fundamentals for a current day campaigns include money, plan, and promotion, usually in the form of media publicity. Since the United States of America has two key political parties, each one pursues to expand its support as their petitions are designed to earn the support of an assorted electorate (Zak, 2003).

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Even though there are substantial differences between Republicans and Democrats campaigns the two overlap on several key issues. The campaign process permits each of the main political parties’ candidates to voice their views and for those views to be heard in different forums, national debates, televised interviews, and visits to cities throughout the country. The campaign process not only allows the two-party system to function properly, but it also offers rules and guidelines for the party to adhere to. Additionally, the campaign process also allows for the dualism of political subjects. Generally, every issue has two sides and the campaign process allows for candidates to express their opinions.

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The American electoral process is successful since it observes to the fundamental principle that every citizen has voice and that voice should be heard. There are areas that still need improvement but the two key political parties allow majority of Americans to voice their views and concerns and be heard.

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