Effect Of Development On Cultural Diversity


Individuals acquire their sense of identity, their self-esteem and their core values and worldviews from the community in which they grow up and live. These aspects of an individual’s character and knowledge are acquired through the expression of their community’s culture, including:  language, music, visual arts, artisanal and traditional practices, theatre, poetry and song (Anon, 2002).

Culture is integral to individual and community stability, their sense of worth and their capacity to make sense of the world. Culture and cultural products are located within the realm of hegemonic warfare, within the battle to provide leadership with respect to ideas, values, beliefs and worldviews whether it is across the globe, within nation states, within communities, institutions or organisations.

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The relationship between follower and leader is critical when it comes to cultural diversity for development hence leaders must be careful to espouse values that followers are able to identify with. The responsibility of the leadership role is essentially to keep the company moving ever-forward by adjusting pre-emptively in accordance with what is required to satisfy both expediency and sustainability problems of existence. Correspondingly, leaders need to invoke a sense of purpose, through a vision that energises and motivates followers towards the future (Bennis and Nanus, 1985). For this reason, it is advisable for leaders to be at least a head in understanding development impacts ahead of their followers, in order to effectively guide them along. This paper relates on how development is affected by cultural diversity, what motivates people to develop and ways in which people deal with stress associated with developmental changes

Cultural diversity and development

Cultural diversity is based on the idea that cultural identity should not be discarded or ignored, but rather maintained and valued. It unites individuals, society’s and peoples, enabling them to share in the heritage of the past, the experience of the present and the promise of the future (Susan, 2010). Development is a complex process that seeks to overcome the adverse social, economic and human conditions left particularly by colonialism and apartheid in countries or communities affected where these activities took part.  “Development” aims to equip such countries or communities with the requisite skills, technology, access to information, cash and other resources, to enable them to be relatively self-sustaining.

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Development brings with it new ideas, new values, new insights, increased access to information, contact with other cultures, the promise of a better quality of life, new aspirations, and invariably.  A local or indigenous culture is influenced and evolves organically within the paradigm of the development ends and strategies.

Cultural diversity is one of the major driver and symptom of development as it affects communities’ way of life either directly or indirectly. For instance, development impacts upon the culture of those intended to be “developed” and in turn their culture impacts on the development process (Susan, 2010).  Education, technology, new skills, increased earning power and access to information are among the benefits that come up as a result of development which interfere with people’s ways of life. As a result development may be viewed as a cultural process that may be hindered or facilitated by culture due to the fact that people may accept or reject it.

Motivators Of Development

Needs are caused by deficiency or imbalances. Development which directly or and indirectly affect culture comes as a result of people’s needs to attain a certain goal or objective. Motives are action s to satisfy a need. Motivation is an inner strivings of individuals that direct behaviour, it willingness to expand energy to achieve a goal or a reward. The motivation process centres on needs, which produce motives that lead to the accomplishment of objectives.

Management Of stress From Cultural Diversity Associated Development

Cultural diversity and the difficulty in regulating it have gradually replaced the class on war and it compromise a topics of discussion at the dawn of the twenty-first century. Meanwhile, we are experiencing a new division of labor between cities and the state regarding political, institutional and the procedural handling of ethnic minorities.

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Changing mind sets is never easy usually a strong jolt is needed before people realize that the traditional way of doing things is no longer adequate. Awareness of the need for change is achieved most effectively when there is an internal or external pressure (Manfred ., et al 2009). . People engage in different coping strategies in order to deal with  stress associated with cultural diversity to adapt development .

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Some people tend to take an individualistic approach to coping with cultural diversity stress (i.e., taking planned action), while others rely upon social support (i.e., discussing the situation with others).in addition a  number of people also rely  upon their social network to deal with their stress Diare.


Culture is powerful and it is indeed influences people behavior. However development is important as improves people’s standards of living although it comes with its own advantages and disadvantages that may affect people either directly or indirectly. Cultural diversity affects the way leaders go about defining their roles as leaders and applying themselves to the responsibilities of leadership. Leaders who introduce new innovations and technology to the people that touches their way of life should engage professionals to educate the community and make them understand why such changes are important. This will minimize negative impacts that may stress them as they adapt to the news ways of life that come along with development.

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