A Guide to Writing A Good Research Proposal/Thesis

Towards the end of a degree programme or at the very end, for some courses, a student is required to craft and submit a research proposal. Undergrads are also required to craft a thesis or dissertation when applying for a Ph.D. Lecturers and Professors are stern in reminding students that research proposals contribute a lot towards their final grade. This can cause panic among a lot of students and you could be one of them but you shouldn't fret. We got you. At Uniquewritersbay we have professionals ready to work with you in every step of your research proposal and research paper to ensure you get a good grade.

There are not that many secrets to crafting a good research proposal. The best approach is tackling it as questions and as humans, our natural reaction to questions and problems is finding solutions. Research works the same way; identifying and solving problems with elaborate and solid solutions. So, what questions are being asked by a research proposal? You can come up with your but answering the ones below keeps you in tow when writing a good research proposal. The questions are:

  • What is a research proposal? What is a dissertation? What is a thesis?
  • What should consist of ones' topic and content in a research proposal?
  • What does the structure of a research proposal entail?
  • What are the instructions I should follow?

What is a research proposal? What is a dissertation? What is a thesis?

A research proposal is a formal academic document that entails central issues and or questions about your area of study that you intend to address. Thesis and dissertation are synonyms of each other and they are defined as a statement or theory a student proposes as a premise to be maintained or proved. Colleges and programmes differ in their use of the three but, in context, they can mean the same and in most cases, if not all no matter the word used they adhere to a similar structure. Understanding what a research proposal/ dissertation/ thesis is, enables the student to understand what is required of them in delivering a quality research proposal. Research proposals are purposed to prepare and show a student's capabilities for post-graduate level research and demonstrate their ability to comprehend and convey complex ideas in their field of study, fluently and comprehensively.

What should the research proposal topic and content consist of?

Answering this question is the most important part of a research proposal. A student is answering what they choose as their research topic raises the question "why?" They chose it and how they intend to research it which later brings in methodology and the chosen topic then forms the foundation of the whole research proposal.

When choosing a topic of study one should consider:

  • Relevance. Is the research proposal relevant to you and your area of study?
  • It should be innovative, original and preferably, unique to you to answer why you chose it.
  • Tackle specific objectives that are attainable. It doesn't hurt to be ambitious but don't go for topics that even NASA scientists haven't researched yet.
  • Should be financially manageable.

What does the structure of a research proposal entail?

The structure of a research proposal or a thesis or dissertation is the same for most colleges and most courses. Below is a good example of a research proposal outline.


The title should concisely indicate your proposed research and reflect the issue(s) you intend to address.

Table of Contents

Also referred to as "Contents", the Table of Contents is the section detailing chapters, sections with brief descriptions and includes the page numbers of the respective sections.


This is the section where the researcher gives appreciation and gives thanks to people that helped carry out the research and helped him or her be successful throughout the research proposal process.


This is the section that details the background of the issues of the proposed research. The story behind the problem. It should be relevant to your field of study and should include a literature review which is excerpts from sources like books and journal articles that are relatable to your research proposal.

Research Questions

As stated above the best way to craft a good piece of research is to draft questions as they act as a guide towards coming up with a substantial research proposal. In this section, you formulate questions that will allow you to explain the issues you intend to tackle and why the topic is worth exploring and tackling.


The section answering the question, "How?" . It includes theoretical resources to be relied on. Research framework or how one theoretically intends to approach the research. Detail of attainable or appropriate methods to carry out the research. Detail of the advantages of the particular approach or method and its challenges and limitations.

Time Frame and Plan of Approach

This section includes detailed records of stages in the implementation of the research and corresponding timelines.


The bibliography lists all the references to key resources discussed in the proposal.