How it Works?

1 Place Your Order

Fill in the order page with instructions like topic, urgency, formatting e.t.c. Proceed to confirm your account, submit your order and finally make the payment. You will get a confirmation email when we receive your order instructions and the payment.

2 Your Paper Is Assigned To A Writer

We review the instructions submitted to ensure it is clear and the paper is assigned to the writer. If you are a returning client, your paper will be assigned to your writer. (We use one client one writer strategy to ensure consistency). If we need more information from you we will let you know as this point.

3 Quality Assurance Team Review The Paper

When the writer is through they submitted the paper to our Quality Assurance Team who review the work to ensure there is no plagiarism, no grammatical errors, the paper follows all the guidelines given and conforms to all the formatting rules for the requested formatting style e.t.c

4 Get your paper delivered via your email

After we are sure the paper is good, we send it to you via your email. We ensure you receive the work ealier enough before the deadline so you have time to confirm all is okay and you can request for revisions before the submission time. All revisions are done for free and you can request for revisions unlimited number of times.

5 Be the Judge

Having received your paper and you are impressed, you can continue using our services. Our services are 100% confidential so no one will ever know you were here!

1 Fill in the Application Form

You will have to fill in the application form, where you will be asked to provide: Personal Information, Contact Information, The list of disciplines you are proficient in

2 Pass Grammar Test

You will have to pass grammar test, so that we could evaluate your knowledge of English grammar

3 Upload Your Writing Sample

You need to upload a work sample, so that we could assess your writing skills.

4 Wait For Feedback

Wait to hear from us regarding your application. You will definitely get a response within 14 business days; however, it usually doesn’t take that long and you may receive a feedback within the next 5-6 business days after you submit your writing sample.