2015 Always “#LikeAGirl” Commercial Use of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

Advertising is a powerful medium used to captivate audiences and influence consumer behavior. Through the strategic use of rhetorical appeals—Ethos, Pathos, and Logos—marketers craft compelling messages that resonate emotionally, logically, and ethically with viewers. In this essay, I will analyze the 2015 Always “#LikeAGirl” commercial, an advertisement that challenges gender stereotypes and encourages female empowerment, highlighting its effective use of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.

Ethos: Establishing Credibility

Ethos refers to the ethical appeal or credibility of the speaker or the brand behind the message. In the Always “#LikeAGirl” campaign, Ethos is established primarily through the reputation and authority of the Always brand, which is known for producing feminine hygiene products. The brand has credibility in addressing female-related issues and promoting messages around self-esteem, given its target audience.

The credibility is further reinforced by the tone of the commercial, which uses real people (girls of different ages) rather than actors. This choice helps create a sense of authenticity and trustworthiness. By depicting individuals sharing their experiences, Always builds an emotional connection with viewers, demonstrating that it is a company concerned with the well-being of women and girls.

Additionally, Always collaborated with Lauren Greenfield, an award-winning documentary filmmaker, to direct the ad. Her expertise lends credibility to the storytelling, enhancing the ad’s reliability and ethical appeal.

Pathos: Emotional Appeal

Pathos is the emotional appeal of a message, designed to evoke feelings from the audience. In the Always “#LikeAGirl” commercial, Pathos is one of the most prominent rhetorical strategies used. The advertisement taps into deep emotions associated with self-worth and the societal pressures young girls face. It begins by asking people to demonstrate what it means to run, fight, or throw “like a girl.” The initial responses—typically exaggerated and weak actions—illustrate how the phrase “like a girl” is used in a derogatory manner.

However, as young girls are asked to perform the same actions, they respond with confidence, strength, and determination. This stark contrast pulls on the heartstrings of the audience, inspiring feelings of empowerment, pride, and empathy. The ad highlights how gender stereotypes can diminish a girl’s self-esteem, and viewers are invited to reflect on their own use of the phrase “like a girl.”

By appealing to emotions such as anger toward societal limitations and pride in female strength, the commercial becomes more than just an ad for a product—it becomes a call to action to change perceptions and uplift women and girls.

Logos: Logical Appeal

Logos is the logical appeal that persuades through facts, reasoning, and evidence. While Always’s “#LikeAGirl” commercial leans heavily on emotional appeal, it also uses logos by presenting a logical argument about the damaging effects of gender stereotypes. The ad’s central thesis is that phrases like “run like a girl” have a detrimental impact on young girls’ confidence and self-image.

The commercial supports this claim by showing how older participants (both male and female) perform the tasks “like a girl” in a mocking manner, while younger girls are unaffected by this social conditioning. This logical progression helps to illustrate that societal influences, rather than inherent weaknesses, shape negative connotations around the phrase.

Moreover, the ad encourages viewers to challenge these stereotypes with the implicit argument that positive reinforcement and reshaping language can help improve girls’ self-esteem. The reasoning here is simple but effective: if society changes how it uses phrases like “like a girl,” then the negative impacts on young girls’ confidence can be diminished.


The Always “#LikeAGirl” commercial is a masterclass in the use of rhetorical appeals to create a persuasive and impactful message. By effectively leveraging Ethos, Pathos, and Logos, the ad not only promotes the brand’s products but also makes a powerful statement about gender equality and self-confidence.

The credibility of the Always brand and the use of real people (Ethos), the emotional resonance of young girls standing strong (Pathos), and the logical argument against gender stereotypes (Logos) work in harmony to deliver a memorable and persuasive message that leaves a lasting impression on its audience.

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