

Nursing or Health Policy Change Proposal

The IOM Future of Nursing report calls for an increase in leadership from nurses at all levels. One way nurses demonstrate their role as a leader, is through public policy change. A leader does not always carry an official title or position, but demonstrates leadership through the work and the stance he/she takes to make […]


Staffing Crisis at Blumberg’s Nursing Home

Blumberg’s Nursing Home (BNH) is a 100-bed Medicare and Medicaid certified facility in suburban Philadelphia, PA. The administrator recently terminated the facility’s Director of Nursing (DON), receptionist, and dietary aid for inappropriate conduct. They had all been involved in purchasing and using illegal substances on facility grounds. Facility staff, as well as many of the


Wisdom in Nursing Informatics Vs Professional Nursing Judgment

Wisdom versus Judgment Wisdom in nursing informatics is referred to as the application of knowledge, creativity, intelligence, and experience, arbitrated by values, toward the attainment of a common good. However, in some cases, wisdom in nursing is normally associated or founded on thinking-in-action and clinical judgment approach encircling senses, emotions, and intuition (American Nurses Association,


Impact of Mid-Range Nursing Theory on Healthcare Organization

Impact of Transitional Nursing Theory on Healthcare Organization – Sample Paper 1 One of the mid-Range theories that can be applied in nursing leadership is transitional theory. Mid-range transition theory tries to attend and describe the interactions between patients and nurses, proposing that nurses are concerned with people’s experience as they go through transitions whenever


Application of Nursing Theory – Peplau’s Nurse Patient Relationship Theory in Advanced Clinical Practice

Introduction Nursing growth and development has highly been influenced by various developed nursing theories. These theories have facilitated evolution of nursing from nightingale period to now. They have highly enhanced the perfection of nursing care time after time. This paper will focus on Peplau’s nurse-patient relationship theory in advanced clinical practice. Based on Peplau nursing

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