Aggression and Violence in the Media – The Walking Dead Season 7

The Walking Dead Season 7, Episode 1: The Wrath of Negan

The walking dead is a television series written by Robert Kirkman, which portrays life in various locales following zombie apocalypse. The whole series is led by Rick Grimes, his family and other survivors as they constantly transcend numerous challenges in search of new home. In season 7 episode one of the movie series, Rick the protagonist, his family and group of other survivors encounter Negan, and they are subjected to brutal treatment (Bryant, 2016).

The Context in Which the Characters Displayed Aggression/Violence

In episode one of season seven, Rick and his crew encounter brutal treatment from Kirkman and his group. In this episode, Kirkman has been used to portray violence. The nature in which Kirkman beats Glenn and Abraham, two survivors under Rick is so tasteless, gory and gross. Kirkman bludgeoned the two survivors from Rick’s camp, to death was so brutal and hard to watch. Kirkman is 50; Glenn is 32, while Abraham is 51, all being civilized and educated characters.

Why the Episode Included Aggression/Violence

In this episode, Negan beats his victims senselessly until their brains burst out. The episode was traumatizing and hard to watch even for the desensitized viewers. Negan takes great pleasure in introducing Abraham and Glenn to his bat before beating them to death.

Ways in Which Media Can Cause Desensitization

Media can cause violence by airing video that has physical violence for example use of guns and scenes that promote use of fights to settle disputes. According to (Krahé et al., 2011), children mimic what they watch.  Videos that promote violence contribute to desensitization through lose of empathy and lose of emphatic characteristics as they become immune to blood and pain.

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