Analyzing plus Evaluating Introductions along with Purpose Statements

Research studies have interlinked components. For instance, there is a connection between the appreciation of a research study’s purpose or purposes, its introduction, and the methods it applies in investigating the particular questions developed from the purpose or purposes (Newman, Ridenour, Newman & DeMarco, 2003). This is clear in a research study titled “Institutional Collective Action and Economic Development Joint Ventures”. The study was executed by Feiock, Steinacker and Park (2009). Feiock, Steinacker and Park (2009) spell out their research’s purpose in its introduction. They describe the problem they set out to address. Essentially, the addressing of the problem is the research’s purpose. The introduction shows that the purpose, or aim, is multifaceted, it has various elements.

First, the research’s purpose is to develop a model for increasing cooperation prospects in promoting local economic development. Second, the research’s purpose is to establish why various local governments partake in particular cooperative agreements. Third, the research’s purpose is to advance an institutional collaborative justification, or reasons, for cooperation between governments. Notably, the purpose spelt out in the introduction of the research conducted by Feiock, Steinacker and Park (2009) not only indicates the reasons why the research study is important but also refers audiences, including other researchers, to its objectives, or goals. The purpose avowal given by Feiock, Steinacker and Park (2009) gives information on the research’s objectives and the intended outcomes. Newman, Ridenour, Newman and DeMarco (2003) explain that there are diverse classes of research purpose typology. Some of the classes are independent. Some of the classes are interdependent. The rest of the classes are deemed overlapping.

The purpose of the research done by Feiock, Steinacker and Park (2009) fits into a number of the classes of research purpose typology defined by Newman, Ridenour, Newman and DeMarco (2003). First, the research is purposed to generate a novel, or new, idea, a new model for increasing cooperation prospects in promoting local economic development (Feiock, Steinacker & Park, 2009). Newman, Ridenour, Newman and DeMarco (2003) indicate that various researches have their purpose being the generation of new ideas through the exploration, generation, discovery, and revelation of novel phenomena. Second, the research is purposed to understand intricate phenomena: why only some local governments partake in particular cooperative agreements (Feiock, Steinacker & Park, 2009). Newman, Ridenour, Newman and DeMarco (2003) indicate that various researches have their purpose being increasing the extant understanding of intricate phenomena through increased comprehension of particular knowhow and experiences. Third, the research is purposed to inform particular constituencies, especially governments, why they should work together to facilitate economic growth. This particular purpose can be seen as also relating to having organizational impact as explained by Newman, Ridenour, Newman and DeMarco (2003). Newman, Ridenour, Newman and DeMarco (2003) indicate that various researches have their purpose being to inform particular constituencies. As well, they explain that particular researches are aimed at having organizational, personal, institutional or social impacts. Such researches are aimed at influencing extant organizational, personal, institutional or social environments by facilitating or informing change, enhancing practice, transforming structures, and setting policies.

From the foregoing, it is clear that a research’s introduction describes the problem it sets out to address. Even then, it is not clear whether the introduction should necessarily define the problem’s scope. Should a research’s introduction statement always define the problem’s scope? Regarding purpose statements, is their suitability determined by the number of classes of research purpose typology they fit into?

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