Analyzing Rhetorical Appeals in the Nike “Dream Crazy” Commercial

Advertisements are crafted to persuade audiences, and one of the most effective strategies for doing so is through the use of rhetorical appeals—ethos, pathos, and logos. A prime example of a commercial that employs all three of these persuasive techniques is Nike’s “Dream Crazy” advertisement, narrated by former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Released in 2018, this advertisement was part of Nike’s 30th anniversary of its “Just Do It” slogan, and it caused a stir for its bold message about chasing dreams, no matter the odds. In this essay, we will break down how the “Dream Crazy” commercial effectively utilizes ethos, pathos, and logos to engage its audience.

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Ethos: Establishing Credibility and Trust

Ethos, or the appeal to credibility, is central to Nike’s branding in this ad. Nike is a well-known global sports brand with a long history of supporting athletes and encouraging people to push their limits. By choosing Colin Kaepernick as the narrator, Nike establishes ethos in two ways.

First, Kaepernick is an athlete who is well-known for his advocacy of social justice, particularly for protesting police brutality by kneeling during the national anthem at NFL games. His commitment to standing up for his beliefs, despite the backlash, gives him personal credibility as someone who embodies the “Dream Crazy” message. This association strengthens Nike’s ethos because the brand aligns itself with a figure who represents perseverance and moral conviction.

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Second, the ad features a variety of real athletes who have achieved remarkable things, including LeBron James, Serena Williams, and disabled athletes who have overcome significant challenges. By using real people who have accomplished extraordinary feats, Nike boosts its credibility and reinforces the message that anyone can dream big and achieve their goals.

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Pathos: Emotional Appeal Through Inspiration

Pathos, or the appeal to emotion, is perhaps the most dominant rhetorical device in the “Dream Crazy” commercial. The ad is designed to inspire and motivate the audience to believe in their potential, regardless of the obstacles they face. Kaepernick’s voiceover sets a tone of determination and resilience, with lines like, “Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything,” aimed directly at evoking strong feelings of hope and ambition.

The visuals in the advertisement are equally powerful. The commercial shows people who have overcome adversity, such as a young woman born without legs who becomes a professional skateboarder and a soccer player with only one hand who still plays at an elite level. These stories of triumph over difficulty elicit an emotional response from viewers, urging them to reflect on their own dreams and aspirations.

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Furthermore, the music and pacing of the ad build toward an emotional crescendo, designed to stir viewers’ passions and connect them with the universal desire to “dream crazy” and achieve the impossible. This emotional appeal is amplified by the focus on marginalized or underrepresented groups, making the ad not only inspirational but also inclusive.

Logos: Logical Appeal Through Real-Life Examples

While ethos and pathos dominate this advertisement, Nike also incorporates logos, the appeal to logic, by showcasing real-life examples of athletes who have achieved success despite seemingly insurmountable odds. The ad logically argues that determination and hard work can lead to greatness, and it provides concrete evidence through the featured athletes.

For example, the commercial highlights Shaquem Griffin, the first one-handed player to be drafted into the NFL, as proof that physical limitations do not have to hinder success. It also features Serena Williams, whose long career and many achievements in tennis make her a logical example of perseverance. These athletes serve as living proof that dreaming big and staying committed can lead to tangible results, appealing to the audience’s sense of reason.

Additionally, the commercial encourages the viewer to apply the same logic to their own lives. If these athletes can overcome such significant challenges, the advertisement suggests, then the audience, too, can “dream crazy” and achieve greatness in their own pursuits. This logical appeal is subtle but effective in encouraging viewers to believe in the power of effort and ambition.

Conclusion: A Masterful Blend of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

The Nike “Dream Crazy” advertisement is a powerful example of how rhetorical appeals can be used to create a persuasive and memorable message. By leveraging ethos through the credibility of its brand and spokespersons, pathos through emotional storytelling, and logos through real-life examples of athletic triumphs, Nike delivers a commercial that inspires viewers to pursue their dreams, no matter how “crazy” they may seem.

The ad is a testament to Nike’s ability to use rhetorical strategies to align itself with values of perseverance, inclusivity, and social justice, making it not just a call to action for buying their products, but a broader statement about the power of belief and ambition.

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