Author name: UniqueWritersBay


Corruption in Los Angeles Police Department – Ethics and Morality in Criminal Justice System

Ethics and Morality in Criminal Justice System Assignment Instructions This assignment will define and compare ethics and morality. Research, select, and describe an incident involving a real ethical concern or event related to criminal justice (e.g., corruption in a police department, judicial bribery, smuggling contraband into prisons by correctional officers, etc.). Students must utilize the Library […]


Concept of Progressive Discipline and Importance of Effective Termination Procedure

Progressive discipline is a concept that implies that disciplinary penalties are structured to correct unacceptable conduct where possible. The concept simply means that disciplines starts with mild first offense punishment, and gradual increase of the punishment for similar or different misconduct until termination is considered the most suitable punishment. The progressive discipline application varies extensively.


Importance of Effective Screening of Potential Employees by an Organization

Candidate is one of the most important parts of the recruitment process. Screening is a process that involves sorting out resumes based on certain recruitment aspects that defines the qualification of the needed employees. Screening involves having a quick look at the resumes to eliminate those that do not match up the defined criteria. The


Health Care Professionals And Departments Found in a Typical Acute-care Hospital

Health Care Professionals Found in a Typical Acute-care Hospital Some of the professionals found in a typical ICU include physician, nurses, respiratory therapist, and pharmacist. Physician The specialized physicians working in the ICU are referred as intensivists. These are medical doctors that have received extra training to handle critically ill patients. To be intensivists, one


Relevant Information To Conduct A Strategic Potential And Appropriate Tools To Deliver the Information

The strategic positioning of your chosen organisation is a central issue for its senior managers. As you know from your readings, strategic positioning has two important themes: strategic potential and organisational ambitions .You are asked by the management to do an analysis of that organisation’s current strategic potential. But before you can undertake that task, you are required


How do Effective Human Resources Management (HRM) Practices and Policies Assist in Enhancement of a Health Care Organization’s Competitive Advantage

Effective human resources management results to the development of effective workers management policies, which control workers behavior in an organization. These policiesdictate on workers behaviors, with consequences for each kind of act. For instance, they define rewards for those who maintain good conduct and punishment that include suspension, warning or termination foremployees who go against


HR Practices that can be Utilized by Healthcare Organization to Improve organizational and Employee Performance

The performance of any healthcare organization is highly determined by the general operation of its workers. It is therefore important for human resources management department to develop management strategies that will enhance efficient and effective HRM practices to attain the desired objectives and goals. One way to achieve this is through the employment of strategic


Pros and Cons of Using Surveillance Drones In The Police Department

Introduction Security agencies have a tough role of protecting people and their properties in their regions of operations. This has not been easy, especially with high urban population and the growing rate of crimes and crime tactics. The need for security even in challenging situation has force security agencies to adapt different strategies and technologies


Pesticide Treadmill and Why it is a Concern to Farmers and Consumers

Consider what you have learned about natural selection and mutation concerning health issues like TB and head lice, and apply it to pesticide use and farming. Explain what is meant by a “pesticide treadmill” and why it is a concern to farmers and consumers. Many diseases persist in human populations because of a balance between

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