Author name: UniqueWritersBay


Relationship between Pain Medication and the United States’ Heroin Addiction

Among a string of complications that patients have to deal with, chronic pain ranks highest with regard to the level of distraught and discomfort it causes to its sufferers. Nevertheless, medical practitioners are increasingly facing emergencies with persons exhibiting chronic pain, with their sole duty in such a case being to alleviate it. Ostensibly, the […]


Ways Multithreading Provides Better Performance than a Single-Threaded Solution

The first example proving the efficiency and performance level of multi-thread over single-thread is that of a typical cash register.  In this particular instance, the scanning process involving a convenience store’s items requires a subsequent update of the display. This action allows the fine-tuning of the stock level in the store. Executing these tasks singly


Purpose of a Process Control Block (PCB)

The Process Control Block (PCB) is located in the operating system kernel and widely viewed as the most integral data structure in a computer. Vital information responsible for the scheduling process is located here, together with the management steps that would commence from this particular premise. A plethora of data items are stored in the


Shared-Memory and Message-Massing Inter-Process Communications Models – Compare And Contrast Essay

Compare and contrast the two models of inter-process communications The Two known  Inter-Process Communications (IPC) models are shared-memory and the message-passing model. To begin with, the shared memory is lauded for its ease in processing information going through it at any given moment.  In this case, communication occurs at a faster rate as compared to its


Direct Relief – Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Analysis

Direct Relief ranks high among Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) popular for using humanitarian aid in providing help for afflicted populations while finding solutions to their political problems. Over the years, the organisation has made the provision of humanitarian aid its primary objective while also viewing it as a conduit through which various levels of conflict across


Electronic Medical Records – Communication Modality Used in Healthcare Marketing

There are a variety of communication modalities available to health care consumers and health care providers. These modalities and venues of communication may entail benefits and challenges to both consumers and providers. One communication modality used for marketing in health care is Electronic Medical Records. This paper paper about Electronic Medical Records, a communication modality


Daddy & Papa – Movie Review

“Daddy & Papa” is an intriguing documentary movie shot in 2002 exploring the world of same-sex couples who decide to become parents. By delving into a subject that is rarely talked about, director Johnny Symons opens a can of worms that was bound to spark conservations on the issue. Symons expertly does this by presenting


Moral Justice in the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a tragic play wrought with intrigues by two of the primary characters hell-bent on seeking moral justice. Both Hamlet and Laertes seek retribution for specific wrongs that they feel were done to their families. After meeting his dead father’s apparition, Hamlet soon realizes that it was, indeed, his brother Claudius who

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