Difference Between Metrics and Analytics

Metrics are measurement standard that serve as an accountability integral component. Metric is a quantifiable measure which is utilized to assess and track the specific status of business process. In human resource management, metrics are data utilized to quantify the impact and cost of Human Resource (HR) processes and programs of talent management, and assess the HR initiatives success. Business metrics are normally utilized to assess key business stakeholders that include middle managers, executives, employees, customers and investors. Metrics improve organizations value by offering the information needed to make the best talent related decisions. They report ongoing, current, and long-term numbers for HR common areas that include performance, employee engagement and retention (Lowisz, 2008). Analytic on the other hand involves assessing the data pattern to communicate a meaning. It is normally utilized when data is required to respond to particular business-associated questions. Analytic entails applying math and statistics so as to define data patterns. Human capital analytics assess the HR metric effect on organizational performance, and thus, analytics can be said to define similar patterns in metrics. Prolonged use of analytics can help an organization to make a prediction, based on patterns and trends (Zielinski, 2014).

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