How Memories are formed in the Brain

Memories are formed by processes that involve a constant change in the strength of synapses; a series of connections between neurons in the brain. These connections vary in strength depending on the frequency of their activation over time. This means that when there is theinput of information, the synapses channel the information through specific neural pathways, which followa specific sequence on the basis of association. More so, the synapses become stronger when the neuron connections are aligned in that the first neuron, activates the second thus creating an action potential. However, if the action potential is not activated, it results in a weaker connection.An example can be sourced from how older people tend to have a clear memory of facts and how to perform tasks rather than memorizing insignificant theories. This is because they possess a denser accumulation of connections based on association given their long years of experience.The constant change in synapses connections, also called synaptic plasticity, can either be long-term potentiation or long-term depression, depending on the nature of the neuron connections.

The Accuracy of Memories

Memories are not always accurate given that they are stored in different parts of the cortex in the brain, and have to be retrieved to remember something.Different groups of neurons store a variety of information in different parts of the cortex. These neurons are aligned to form a sequence on the basis of association with the neuron that stores input on the first experience to a situation, in that neurons with the same patterns are grouped together( Cobin & Camos 2011). The accuracy or ease of retrieval, therefore depends on the strength of these connections in that if the connections are weak, the memory may be inaccurate orsegmented such that a person would not remember clearly.

There is a complex process of segmentation of the different memories, where sight, sound, and emotion towards a subject are stored differently but through connected pathways where, if one of the connections fails, the most immediate connection that aligns with theassociation to a particular memory is retrieved. Memories are, therefore, not stored as concrete information as it was received but needs to be reconstructed to create meaning( Cobin & Camos 2011). This can lead to inaccuracy. While some memories are accurate, others are unreliable, false or inaccurate. More so, in people who suffer from brain related problems, there are high chances of experiencing inaccurate memories due to thefailure of the neuron circuit to function as required.


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