Recycling, Reducing, and Reusing – Waste Management Journal

Part 1

Last week’s recycling journal demonstrates that it is possible to do away with waste completely and safeguard the environment. It demonstrates the utility of waste reduction, waste reutilization, and waste recycling in doing away with domestic waste. In addition, the journal shows that the way a population chooses to handle particular waste impacts on the population’s surroundings and global environment in general. Notably, a given population’s environment includes all the things around it, including air, manmade items, and structures, land, plants, air as well as water. My dedication to waste reduction, waste reutilization, and waste recycling last week ensured that my environment remained clean, welcoming, and healthy. Since I appreciate that I require a healthy and clean environment to remain happy and healthy, I noted severally in last week’s recycling journal that successful waste management is critical to all, including myself.

From the journal, one can get ample pointers into how I define waste. I consider all the materials that I noted down in the journal as waste. That means that I take everything that I eliminate or discard as waste, especially when I do not consider it as reusable. My practicing of waste reduction, waste reutilization, and waste recycling last week was not only essential for ensuring that my environment remained healthy but also gave me happiness. I drew lots of joy from practicing waste management within the week.

From the journal, it is clear that I made several well-considered decisions to ensure that my environment remains clean. First, I resolved not to be using bottled water whenever I have alternatives to it. I decided to be using water filters in purifying tap water rather than purchasing bottled water. That decision was informed by the actuality that the water is rather costly. As well, the water gives rise to marked amounts of waste in a short period. For instance, on Monday last week, I purchased and used six bottles of water. That means that I generated about a kilogram of water bottle waste on that single day. Following my reflection on the waste, I only bring water bottles that are reusable with me when travelling. Second, I have resolved to borrow items that are borrowable than purchasing them to minimize the waste I generate. In the journal, I have indicated that borrowing items saves money and space when I no longer require them. I do not have to dispose items that I borrow, ensuring that my environment remains clean as well as healthy.

Part 2

Last week, I made out water bottles, newspapers, cans, cards, waste water, pantyhose, and soda bottles as recyclable. Cumulatively, I recycled about 30 kilograms of waste in the week. That figure can be used in approximating the amount of waste that my entire locality can recycle rather than disposing it off in landfills. The community in the locality has a total population of 1,200 members. Assuming each of the members is capable of recycling 30 kilograms of waste within a week, the community is capable of recycling a total of 36,000 kilograms of waste in the same period. That portends that the entire locality can recycle 36 tons of waste weekly, rather than disposing them off in landfills.

There are 52 weeks in every year. If I recycle 30 kilograms of waste each week, I would have recycled 1,560 kilograms of waste in a single year. As earlier noted, the entire locality can recycle 36 tons of waste weekly, rather than disposing them off in landfills. If the locality recycles 36 tons of waste weekly, it would have recycled 1,872 tons of waste in a single year. That amount of recycled waste in the locality is commendable. Even then, it can be improved.

The US government can ensure that each locality recycles more and more waste through various ways. First, the government can make sure that each locality recycles more and more waste through the enactment of laws obligating households to ensure the recycling of all the recyclable waste they generate. Second, the government can guarantee that each locality recycles more and more waste by facilitating communities to acquire the equipment or resources they require to recycle particular forms of waste. Third, the government can ensure that each locality recycles more and more waste public campaigns aimed at encouraging households to recycle as much waste as they can. Fourth, the government can make certain that all individuals recycle all the recyclable waste they generate by offering fitting incentives like specific tax reliefs (Schmid, Pratt & Howze, 1995).

Part 3

Recyclable materials are re-utilized in various ways. For instance, fabric softener sheets are reused in keeping luggage and drawers fresh. They are used in wiping dryers’ lint screens and petting fur from furniture. As well, the sheets are reused in the elimination of static clings found in skirts. Aging anniversary cards are reused as anniversary tags when their designs are cut out. The aging cards can be reutilized in postcards. The top soda bottle halves can be remade into funnels while the bottom halves can be used as scoops or greenhouse structures for given plants. Used soap dispensers can be used in holding liquid detergents. Nylon paper bags or pantyhose can be reutilized in storing onions. Pantyhose can be reused as substitutes for fan-belt snaps. Newspapers can be reutilized in protecting car seats and other seats from wet or muddy clothing. As well, they can be used in tightening loose-fitting shoes.

When aluminum cans are put in recycling bins, they are shredded into small pieces and then de-coated by blowing them using heated air. The de-coated pieces of aluminum are heated in furnaces until they melt. The molten aluminum is casted into ingots using specific molds. The ingots are taken to mills where they are rolled into sheets. The sheets are subsequently used in the production of new aluminum cans. When plastic soda bottles put in recycling bins, they are shredded into small pieces. The pieces of aluminum are heated in furnaces until they melt. The molten aluminum is casted into different shapes, items like bottles using specific molds. Used newspapers are reutilized in crafts. They are cut and shaped into various craft applications like de-coupaged tabletops and picture frames.

When I create renewed resources or materials from recycled materials or items, I impact on the environment and myself in various ways. First, the environment remains clean as it is not littered with recyclable waste. Second, I save on costs. The items stemming from recycling processes are markedly cheaper than their originals. Third, I have fun when recycling waste and using the ensuing products. As noted earlier, I draw marked joy from practicing waste management.


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