Significance of Studying History

In “Why Study History?”, Stearns (1998) explores the reasons why history should be explored and studied. Notably, historians explore change over particular times through the analysis of given events and appraising the related evidence. As well, the historians look for particular patterns and formulate probable explanations for the particular events. Stearns (1998) asserts that history should be studied to help individuals, organizations, or bodies appreciate their past while planning for the future and living presently. History assists those studying it to appreciate societies and people. In that regard, it serves as the laboratory comprising of data, as well evidence, showing how persons or families conduct themselves socially. Elementarily, history offers insights into the functioning of given societies according to Stearns (1998).

History assists students and scholars to appreciate change and social evolution. That is because the future and the present are highly informed by what happened in the past. At times, the latest histories explain past, principal changes. Those studying history employ it in making out the factors that give rise to change. Via history, people can or appreciate the components of given institutions.

History assists those studying it understand how institutions work and the motivations that gave rise to their creation and why along with how communities behave when engaging the institutions according to Stearns (1998). History helps those studying it understand various institutional changes and the factors underlying them. Notably, appreciating how communities were organized in the past assists history students appreciate how given institutions came up as well as why the institutions persist for long periods.

According to Stearns (1998), history ought to be studied since it is important to the individual and the community and harbors inspiration as well. According to Stearns (1998), studying the past successes and challenges of given community or public institutions inspires and guides their supporters and advocates. As well, studying history helps people form particular cultural identities. It heightens the worth of those who read it as citizens, helps them understand and influence human social interactions, and helps test own theories bolstering their search for knowledge according to Stearns (1998). History makes people conscious of their responsibilities, as well as rights, and the profitable usage and foundation of citizenship.

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