Value of Performing Assessment on Knowledge Levels In Nursing

The value derived from the time-to-time healthcare analysis is the pursuit of effectiveness and efficiency in healthcare delivery. The health needs assessment provides a systematic approach in ensuring that the health care service provision uses its available resources in the most appropriate manner. This efficiency in improved use of the health resources creates an appropriate measure in meeting the health of the population in the most proper way (Westbrook, 2007).

Furthermore, the health care assessment ensures that there is comparative and qualitative methods in describing the healthcare problems of a population; identification of the inequalities existing in the healthcare services access, and ensuring determination of the outlined priorities for the most effective application of the resources.

Another aspect of the value derived from performing healthcare assessment is that the successful health needs require assessments which integrates a practical understanding of what is actually involved, the resources, and the time necessary for undertaking assessments, and ensuring sufficient integration of the results into commissioning and planning local services.

The lesson learned from self-assessment within the healthcare system are enormous. The first area of learning is the rising of the cost of healthcare services across the globe. The expenditure in healthcare has risen much faster than the cost comparison as from other sectors of the economy, with healthcare being one of the largest sectors in various nations which are developed. At the same time, the resources which are available for the health care service provisions are highly limited. A number of people have inequitable access to adequate health care, and the governments find it difficult in providing such care universally.

A number of factors have impacted greatly in my field of nursing. I have been inspired across the profession to further explore on more and more of the healthcare services provision and efficient delivery and thus continue the learning process. The urge to achieve a healthcare system that is universal to all is an area I would love to see succeeding. A nation becomes only productive when its population are healthy and free from adverse healthcare problems but not all of us are endowed materially to be able to afford the healthcare costs.

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