

Effects of Absolutism on Art during the Reign of Louis XIV

Absolutism is a form of rule where a central sovereign individual holds unlimited, complete power that is not restricted by any part of government or state. In effect, the leader rules free of laws or opposition. Absolutism was mainly espoused by European rulers during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. At the time, kings and […]


Cryptocurrencies and Their Relevance In The Business World

The emergence of new technologies in the financial world has transformed the way societies manage currency as a medium of exchange between various entities. One of the most remarkable technologies thus far relates to digital currencies. Today, digital currencies have attracted considerable attention in the society, with many embracing distributed ledger innovations while abandoning centralized


Woolworth’s and Coles’ Competitive Management Strategies

The survival of the company in the industry depends on how the company has strategized itself to meet the uncertain and unanticipated future outcomes. This places the management in a critical position of usually scanning the environment to establish appropriate management strategies.  For comprehensive elaboration of strategic management, this paper uses the case study focuses


Production Costs Assessment and Activity Based Costing System

What is it Important for management to assess the production cost? In manufacturing firms, it is critical for the management to assess the cost of producing each product as this knowledge is essential for the survival and success of the organization. Firstly, the assessment of the production cost for each unit has a huge impact


Proposed Recruitment Forecasting System for UK’s Network Rail – Foresight

Introduction             One of the most prevalent problems in organizations today concerns Human Resources (HR) Forecasting. Many modern organizations face hurdles when matching HR needs with present and future organizational activities as a result of various reasons including inflexibility in the HR department, unyielding managerial teams, rigid organizational cultures, and centralized managerial mechanisms, among others.


How to Spend Less and Save More

The ability to spend less and save more is the cornerstone of accumulating wealth and achieving financial stability in the long run. It is also a foundation for one’s sense of personal security. The reasoning behind spending less and saving more is backed by simple mathematical calculations: In order to retain items that one has


The Best Search Engines For School Work in 2022

Search engines are becoming the new libraries. For teaching and learning purposes, a student has to be careful what information from search engines such as Google, Yahoo Answers, Ask Jeeves, and many others that they choose to use. Teachers, lecturers, and professors will be quick to reject “Googled papers” as they will cite a lack


Victorian Community Crime Prevention Program

The Community Crime Prevention Program (CCPP) was created by the Victorian government to avert misconduct and provide effective solutions to crime within the Victorian territory. The program consists a series of initiatives delivered by the state authority which include: Victorian Community Crime Prevention Program Major Objectives The Victorian Community Crime Prevention Program has three key


Increasing Energy Efficiency in 5G-Enabled Mobile Computing Networks

Abstract As the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry makes rapid progress towards integrated mobile computing, there is a need to consider the impact of the envisaged 5G network system on the carbon footprint. 5G systems are expected to consume enormous amounts of energy to operate compared to the current LTE networks. Fortunately, there is

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