

Catcher in the Rye – Holden’s State of Mind

In the article “The C world in the Hallways,” Ann Quindlen elaborates that adolescent murder is awful; however, it can be avoided. Quindlen substantiates her claim by providing comprehensive details and definite statistics. The author aims to pass the message about murder so that many parents would understand what their children go through at school. […]


Ways of Securing Personal Information when Surfing the Web and Transferring Data Online

There are several methods that can be used to secure personal information when surfing the Web and transferring online. Some of the methods include securing internal network and cloud services, developing strong password policies, securing and encrypting Wi-Fi, encrypting sensitive personal data, regularly updating all applications, setting a safe web browsing rules, securing remote access


Secure Overlays, Self-certifying Addresses and Spoofed Packet

Denial of service attack can be defended using different defense mechanism at various locations in the network (Abliz, 2011). The defense mechanism is aimed at preventing the attack from causing damage on the network. The most common defense mechanism include secure overlays, self-certifying addresses and spoofed packet. Read also Network Security and Modern Day Computer


Substantive Law, Procedural Laws and Judicial Review – USA and UK

There are various similarities and differences between laws and the judiciary systems of the United States and the United Kingdom. This paper looks at these in terms of substantive and procedural laws as well as judicial review. Read also Substantive Law, Procedural Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Common Law, And Statutory Law Substantive Law Substantive


Cisco IOS Software, Its Pros and Cons

Cisco IOS Among the leading network infrastructure is the Cisco IOS Software. Currently, this software operates on numerous active systems such as the small home office router. IOS Software is known to be the most leveraged network infrastructure in the world. Cisco IOS software is being utilized in every aspect of human environment. Some of


The Correlation between the Concept of Globalization and International Terrorism

The end of twentieth and throughout the 21st century has witnessed an increase in terrorism over the world. The phenomenon of terrorism has now spread across many countries including the Middle East and North African (Lutz & Lutz, 2015).  The increase in international terrorism has coincided with globalization, suggesting a correlation between terrorism and globalization.


Scientific Methods of Research Inquiry In Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Research Methods Assignment Instructions Identify and describe five scientific methods of research inquiry and how you would apply them to a research Project. Be sure to provide examples. Develop a hypothesis focused on the professional practices of criminal justice practitioners. An example of a hypothesis would be: You could propose a hypothesis that


Use of Computers and Software in Law Enforcement Investigations

Introduction Criminal investigations involves a legal gathering of evidence about are crime that has been committed or is being committed. Unlike in the past, crimes have taken advanced levels owing to the development in technology. An increasing number of people are at risks of losing their funds due to computer hacking, cyber bullying is widely


Biological, Sociological and Psychological Criminological Theories

Biological theories             Biological theories of criminality focus on examining criminal behavior that caused by the biological makeup of a person. The biological makeup of a person include physical flaws such as heredity, neurotransmitter dysfunction, brain abnormalities resulting from trauma or improper development. Some of the studies present biological factors such as genetic, neurological, biochemical

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