

Martin Luther King Jr’s I Have A Dream – Speech Criticism

Martin Luther King, Jr’s I Have a Dream speech has retained approval across time and space in the past half a decade. Delivered in 1963 before a crowd of 250,000 people, the speech referred to the founding fathers of the American constitution, the bible, and universal themes that cut across societies to depict the struggles […]


Edward Theodore Gein and Factors that led to his Criminal Behavior

Edward Theodore Gein was an American serial criminal who gained celebrity status in the 1950s due to his atrocious and horrifying crimes of murder and mutilation. Besides admitting to have killed two women within his hometown of Plainfield, Wisconsin, Gein exhumed corpses from local graveyards and created trophies and keepsakes from human bones and skin


Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation at Hershey

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are software systems that support and automate key business processes to provide timely and accurate organization-wide information for decision-making purposes (O’Leary, 2000). A typical Enterprise Resource Planning consists of integrated applications that an enterprise can use to collect, store, interpret, and manage data from business activities. Besides optimizing business processes,


Tituba & Gerda Lerner’s Definition of Patriarchy

The concept of patriarchy has been pivotal to the advancement of feminist thought in recent decades. The basic premise is that the general societal structure in which men hold power over women is a major factor in the subjugation of the female gender and a significant aspect of historical incidences of sexism. Patriarchal societies have


Infant Changes in Lifespan Development

The lifespan development process is an integral general approach to gaining a comprehensive understanding of the changes human beings experience throughout life. According Bogin (2019), lifespan development represents a complete review of human development from conception to the end of life.  The study of lifespan development is important since it identifies significant changes individuals are


Herodotus’ portrayal of the Battle of Thermopylae Vs modern depiction of the event by Frank Miller

There are considerable similarities between Herodotus’ portrayal of the Battle of Thermopylae and the modern depiction of the event by Frank Miller as there are differences. A case in point of a similarity is the representation of Spartan women. The 300 actually represented Spartan women. The film shows a strong-willed Queen Gorgo who offers advice


Patriarchy in the Social Distance of Lutie Johnson

According to Lerner (239), Patriarchy is “the manifestation and institutionalization of male dominance over women and children in the family as well as the extension of male dominance in society.” In The Street, Petry highlights the theme of Patriarchy by representing women characters as both black and female. The incorporation of gender in addition to


Naturalism in the Characterization of Jones

Naturalism is the idea that only natural forces and laws operate in the world. This is in direct opposition to the belief that supernatural and spiritual principles are in control. Adherents of naturalism assert that the structure and behavior of natural elements in the universe arise from nature itself. The philosophy is naturalism occasionally emerges

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