Developing And Maintaining A Multinational Team


Multinational team refers to a globally distributed group of persons, identified by the organization and its members as a team unit, with a particular mandate to implement or make decisions which are global in scope. The international team internal dynamics are made to be highly complex based on three features that they share typically. These features include communications configuration, composition, and tasks. The manifestation that is frequently found in international teams for the above identified features is most closely related strong effectiveness barrier and complex dynamics. In addition, while all teams of an organization have to take part in external activities and take note of internal dynamics, the three features complicate the manner in which the team manages the external activities and connects them with internal changes (Gluesing & Gibson, 2004). This paper focuses on reviewing multinational team diversity and how to enhance the team efficiency despite of these dynamics.

Team Composition in a Multinational Team

The multinational team is composed of diverse people with different cultural background, experience, ways of operation, geographical location, and intelligence among other. Despite of these diversities, the multinational team is required to work effectively like locally made team. To manage this, the team manager is required to determine the right team composition. Team composition is determined based on the main purpose of the team. This will assist the team manager to establish the characteristics of the team members which include individuals’ personalities, skills, abilities, demographics, and team size. The manager should then assess the distribution of the team members. Being an international team, there is no limit to the geographical location of the team members. However, the team members may have to possess similar values such as the ability to communicate virtually, same skills, and certain personality that highly demonstrates commitment and efficiency. The identified members would be willing to take part into the team and ready to adhere to the set rules and regulations. All these factors should be considered while determining the composition of the international team members (Gultekin & Ulukan, 2012).

Addressing Cultures Diversity

Cultural diversity is one of the main challenges facing multinational team. Members of multinational team come from different cultural background. However, this does not have to interfere with the team efficiency. The cultural diversity in multinational team can be address by enhancing inclusion among the team members. This can be done by cultural management where members are made to respect other members’ culture. This can also be enhanced by establishing the team goal, mission, vision and culture to guide the team members. This enhances members’ inclusion where the team members stop focusing on their own culture but the organization goals, objective, mission, and to one team culture. Cultural diversity can also be managed by enhancing communication among the team members. The communication platform should be set to enhance effective translation to ensure that any team based communication is highly understood by all team members (Boukhali, 2013).

Structure and Support Needed in Virtual Existence

Virtual team will be managed just like any other team. However, the team management will be done virtually by use of technology. The manager’s role will be setting the team mission, goals, vision and defining the team culture. The manager will also be involved in defining the best communication platform for the team members. In addition, the team manager will be involved in establishing the best team rules though this can be adjusted based on the members suggestion to enhance effective operation. Each team member will be responsible for the shared tasks that will be assigned to them. A balance will be maintained between informal and formal communication. The manager will work to enhance information equity among the team members (Mogale & Sutherland, 2010).

The main team support that a virtual team can be given is the selection of the right team members. Successful virtual team members should be self-reliant, self-motivated, excellent communicators, and they should have the ability to work independently. This will enhance successful implementation of the team goals and objectives.  The team members can also be supported through the employment of the right technologies to enhance their functionality and communication. This includes the provision of the required tools for their contribution in the project, including effective communication platform. They should also be offered the right training to supplement their skills and knowledge based on the project requirements (Gultekin & Ulukan, 2012).

Measuring Team Success

The virtual team success can highly be measured on how well the team accomplishes the project goals, mission and vision. This includes the project success in meeting the set deadline, budget and useful completion. It can also be measured based on how well the team manages its diversity challenges and its success in resolving conflicts that could have interfered with the project progress (Gibson & Cohen, 2003).

Characteristics of Team Leaders

Effective multinational team leader requires to be very innovative to be able to virtually manage the team and resolve all possible conflicts effectively without affecting the team efficiency. The team leader should be able to build a relationship of trust among the team members. He or she should also be able to give roles and goals through effective communication among members with diverse culture. A leader should be inspiring and with high ability to motivate the team member. He or she should in a position to provide feedbacks to the team members to enhance effective performance and to enhance information equity. Another major aspect that a virtual team leader should possess is the ability to make the right selection of the team members. A leader with the above quality will play a great role in enhancing the team success (Mogale & Sutherland, 2010).

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