Employee Relations Specialist’s Job Description

Employee Relations Specialists (ERS) have diverse roles. With respect to customers, Employee Relations Specialists are charged with consulting with, communicating effectively to, as well as influencing, labor unions and internal stakeholders on pertinent changes in staff relations according to Heneman, Judge and Kammeyer-Mueller (2015) and Rothwell and Kazanas (2003). They launch employee and labor relations policies, procedures, and handbooks via timely, as well as effectual, consultations with other organizations, stakeholders, and businesses according to Caruth and Handlogten (1997). They provide commercial solutions to varied commercial requirements via specific training interventions and project management (Heneman, Judge and Kammeyer-Mueller, 2015).

With respect to own colleagues, Employee Relations Specialists are charged with capacity building, supporting, and coaching HR and operational managers to be effective in managing given changes (Heneman, Judge and Kammeyer-Mueller, 2015). The ERS create, as well as update, accessible and simple staff relations procedures, handbooks, and policies via the establishment of the requirement for the staff to execute policy via trend-analysis, benchmarking, and research. With respect to operations, the ERS support operational stakeholders with change-related matters, including business transfers, redundancy, restructuring, and contractual changes. Regarding profits, as well as sales, the ERS are charged with lessening exposure to labor litigation risks and the related financial risks according to Caruth and Handlogten (1997).

Ideally, organizations require that those applying for consideration for appointment as Employee Relations Specialists have strong stakeholder or project management according to Phillips and Gully (2009) and Pynes (2004). They should holders of the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) membership or comparable membership. They should be well-versed with staff relations and the applicable labor laws. In most cases, they are required to have polished Ms Excel competencies (Reed.co.uk, 2016).

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