Essential Personal Characteristics Of A Professional Coach And How They Influence The Coaching Relationship

Personal Attributes for Effective Professional Coaches

Specific personal attributes define outstanding professional coaches. Possibly there is no particular characteristic possessed by every outstanding professional coach. Even then, such coaches commonly share wide-ranging according to Stoltzfus (2005). From the submissions made by Stoltzfus (2005) on the characteristics, I gather that the essential personal characteristics of a professional coach are being unprejudiced and being capable of expressing empathy for clients.

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Being unprejudiced is essential for a professional coach. Unprejudiced professional coaches come off as receptive to emerging, as well as new, ideas to their clients. As noted earlier, being capable of capable of expressing empathy for clients is an essential attribute for professional coaches as well.

Being unprejudiced affects coaching relationships as it makes professional coaches’ clients become easily comfortable and free in exchanging or communicating own views and opinions to them. The clients appreciate the coaches as valuing their beliefs and views, hence feeling respected by the coaches. Owing to the coaches’ unprejudiced nature, the relationships between them and own clients become freer and freer. The unprejudiced nature ensures the clients do not develop a natural dislike for the coaches, their conducts or any related ambiguity (Stoltzfus, 2005).

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Being capable of putting up, or building, trusting empathy with clients affects coaching relationships as the foremost task in effective interpersonal relationships or associations is trying to put up a rapport. When a professional coach capable of expressing empathy for own client, it becomes easy for him or her to match himself or herself with the client (Stoltzfus, 2005). The conversations between them become easier and easier and less and less typified by awkward mannerisms and body languages.

I am strong in expressing empathy for clients: thus building rapport between me and them easily. That makes the consequences of my engagements with them more positive. I am weak regarding being unprejudiced since I am rather closed-minded. Mostly, owing to my closed-mindedness, I am unwilling to take in, as well as consider, fresh ideas as I have a penchant for holding to status quos.

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