Global Healthcare Strategy in Boldly Go Case Study

Problems/Issues Facing the Organization as Regards to Global Healthcare Strategy in The Boldly Go Case Study

Providence Healthcare has been through a transformation process that focused on improving quality of care, reduce cost and enhance general performance. The transformation process was led by Josie Walsh and has since its planning in 2009 has experienced a great level of achievement commendable by all stakeholders in the organization. After attaining the organization’s transformation and innovation goals, Walsh now needs to sustain its momentum and build the future. The main problem of the organization is determining the best strategy to sustain change and innovation momentum and to build the future (Reddin, 2015).

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Possible Solutions Global Healthcare Strategy

To attain sustainable change, quality improvement initiatives need to become the novel way of working instead of something included in routine operation. The organization needs to develop performance metrics that will set performance standards in every unit. Each unit needs to set ambitious but attainable performance short-term and long-term goals. The organization also needs to keep monitoring the performance on regular basis to determine where the units are attaining their goals. If not, the organization and unit leaders will need to determine the cause of failure and address it effectively. This performance monitoring and improvement strategy will help in ensuring that the organization maintains a high performance throughout. It will also play a great role in fine-tuning every member of the organization to work towards maintaining high performance. According to Silver et al. (2016), an organization can employ tools to aid in sustaining improvement. These tools include standard work, performance board, process control board, and improvement huddles. These tools will help in recommending improvements when required and communicate improvement results to leadership and staff. They will also help in ensuring regular review routines to be able to diagnose problems before they negatively impact an organization, and suggest possible solutions to address them. This process can include having regular review meetings with staff and leaders to collect views, ideas, and recommendations.

Another way to ensure the sustainability of organizational change is by creating an organizational culture that reflects the current transformation in the organization. In this case, Walsh will need to define a new organizational culture that will capture the new ways of doing things, the new organization’s mission and vision, and the new transformation and performance goal in the organization. Organizational culture is perceived as the DNA of the organization. It is a powerful tool that molds what happens in an organization. It acts as the organization’s personality. It is therefore one of the best ways in which organizational leadership can employ to maintain change. The organization’s leadership should create an organizational culture that captures the current way of doing things. This by ensuring that those ways are adopted as norms and that they resonate in the executors’ minds. The organization leaders should also ensure that all workers share the organization’s beliefs, mission, vision, and values to be able to buy in the new culture (Willis et al., 2016). By embracing the new change into a new organizational culture, Walsh will be able to ensure that the organization maintains the same momentum it had generated through change. This will ensure that the organization embraces high performance, quality patient care, exceptional patient care experience, and innovation as the organization’s routine and culture. 

The organization can also sustain change by keeping workers motivated. The organization should consider developing an effective workers management program that ensures effective workers’ training, mentorship, and coaching. The organization should also have a leadership development program that will aid in preparing workers to move to the next level when the need arises. Other measures include ensuring competitive compensation, recognition, performance-based incentives and bonuses, and provision of a good work environment characterized by open communication, good work-life balance, promotions, and opportunity for career growth and development (Hamadamin & Atan, 2019).

Recommended Solution to the Global Healthcare Strategy Problems in The Boldly Go Case Study

The best solution to sustain change for Providence Healthcare and to ensure the future is by integrating the three proposed strategies. Each strategy plays a part in enhancing sustainability. In this regard, Walsh should consider developing the right organizational culture that would complement the employed change. She should also develop performance improvement initiatives that will aid in ensuring the organization maintains high performance, quality patient care, and innovativeness all through. The organization should also develop effective workers and talent management programs that ensure the development of a favorable work environment, workers’ development, knowledge transfer, and general workers’ satisfaction. This integration will eventually ensure that the organization can maintain its change momentum and remain among the best healthcare organization even in the future.

Expected Outcomes

The anticipated results from the adopted strategy will be the maintenance of high performance by embracing transformational and innovative culture characterized by quality patient care, cost management, and high performance. The strategy will also ensure continuous improvement of processes, general operations, and management. This will result in a sustainable high level of performance all through. Effective workers and talent management will ensure that the organization promotes effective knowledge transfer and reduction of turnover. This will ensure that the organization maintains high talents that can uphold its operation standards.  It will also ensure workers’ development to ensure no knowledge gap in the organization even as more experienced workers retire or leave the organization for any reason. Workers will be more committed to their work and willing to invest in ensuring the organization’s success. Overall, this will ensure a high organizational competitive advantage in the healthcare industry, high performance, and high profitability in the long run.

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