How Evaluators can ensure Program Evaluation Results are Disseminated Properly

Discuss how evaluators can ensure that program evaluation results are properly disseminated. To whom should results be made readily available? Why is proper dissemination critical?

After completing the evaluation phase, program evaluators have to disseminate the evaluation findings to various stakeholders. Program evaluators can ensure that the program evaluation results are properly disseminated by formulating an evaluation dissemination strategy (Owen, 2020). Program evaluators need an evaluation dissemination strategy to ensure that the assessment results go beyond being a mere internal exercise. According to Owen, an evaluation dissemination strategy refers to a systematic plan aimed to ensure effective dispersal of program assessment results to both internal and external stakeholders. The strategy should incorporate diverse, creative, barrier-free, and efficient methods to disseminate the results (Newcomer, Hatry, & Wholey, 2015). Notably, the plan aims to ensure that the dissemination of assessment results to internal and external stakeholders in a manner that maximizes efficiency.

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An evaluation dissemination strategy maximizes dissemination utility, which is a key principle that should guide the dissemination of evaluation results. It is imperative that the evaluators use a wide variety of formats and channels to effectively cater to the needs of the various audiences. Channels that evaluators can use include emails, news conferences, slide presentations, press or news releases, et cetera (Newcomer, Hatry, & Wholey, 2015). For instance, for internal stakeholders, the evaluators can utilize slide presentations, and for external stakeholders use emails and press releases. Formats that can be used include brochures, newsletters, executive summaries, one-page descriptions, technical reports, et cetera. Program evaluators should use a format the fits the unique needs of the various audiences of the results (Newcomer, Hatry, & Wholey, 2015). For instance, they can use executive summaries for the external stakeholders and technical reports for the internal stakeholders.

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Elements of an Effective Presentation of Program Evaluation Results

There are five key components of an effective presentation of program evaluation results. First, the presentation should have a clear objective. The presenter should start with an overview that informs the audience what is the main focus of the presentation. Second, it should use clear and concise; the presenter should use language/words that the audience can easily understand. This ensures that the presentation is useful to the audience. Third, it should incorporate visuals to help the audience remain engaged and reinforce the main points of the presentation. Fourth, it should be conversational to help the audience remain engaged. Fifth, the presenter should leverage non-verbal behavior to enhance their speaking and retain the audience’s attention. Lastly, it should be well-rehearsed to ensure the presenter delivers it in an organized fashion (Zunac, Grabar, & Bicek, 2019).  

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Most Efficacious Modes of Information Delivery

The most efficacious modes of information delivery are verbal and written communication. Verbal communication entails delivering information through speaking. This can be face-to-face, video call, over the telephone, et cetera (Willkomm, 2018). According to Willkomm, for verbal communications, face-to-face is the most efficacious as it allows for communication through non-verbal cues as well. Written communication can be through reports, memos, emails, et cetera. Notably, all forms of written communication have the same objective; that is, to disseminate information clearly and concisely. However, written communication does not always achieve this goal as it is dependent on writing skills. Nonetheless, when well-written this mode of communication can prove efficacious (Willkomm, 2018). Visual communication can also be effective but it must be accompanied by either verbal or written communication or both.

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