Implications of Health Economic Concepts for Healthcare

There is an increasing desire for effective and equitable medical services around the globe. This has not been possible because of the increasing demands and limited resources. There is also a limitation of health economics at the microeconomic level because of the limited information gathered by health economists in their areas of operation. There ought to be a good relationship between health economists and those administering primary care if the industry desires success. Pragmatic frameworks from decision makers will be vital in the process of drawing various principles and concepts related to primary care (Berendes, 2011, p. 12).

Health economics is currently putting pressure on decision makers and other health professionals without considering the limited resources. This has made these two groups to clearly understand the provisions of health economics to ensure effective operations in the healthcare industry.  Through the system, decision makers have learnt the importance of efficiency and quality services in the health sector. Health economics is crucial as it presents important principles that regard demand, supply and resource utilization. Health economics focuses on all things that pertain health care from their economics point of view. It all allows decision makers how they can produce their products and who will be the beneficiaries (Hosseinpoor, 2012).

Briggs (2013) confirms that many years ago doctors were presented with limited options while dealing with their patients. The patients also had to follow all the instructions given to them by their doctors without any compromise. All the values that were seen as contributing to the whole process were only provided by the doctors themselves. However the limited health care resources necessitated various health economics concepts and principles for the doctors. Such concepts help decision makers have past, present and future information concerning their operations.

Health economics is vital in the industry as it focuses mostly on the organization of healthcare and how it can be financed. It also provides a framework to deal with a range of issues in a more concrete manner. Various changes like that of the implementation of the Institute for Clinical Excellence and the devolution of decisions on primary care has made most organizations to look into the complex system of healthcare (Hripcsak, 2013).

Decision makers are currently able to put value into healthcare services within their regions of operation. This is important as it enables them to know the influence of demand and supply in the industry. Through this knowledge the decision makers can be able to budget, monitor and plan all the operations in the industry.

Economic evaluation is known to be the most relevant element for health economists when they desire more information from the sector. The exercise is vital as it makes them to have a framework that helps in comparing costs and benefits of various interventions in the health care segment.

Making consideration of the complex system of health helps the concerned parties understand all the regulations embedded in the system. Understanding a system better is vital as it helps decision makers and all the stakeholders to make plans that are valid. Almost all the aspects in the medical field have one or more bodies governing them. Clearly understanding the complexity in the industry helps all the players to know which body to make use of during problems. The complexity and scope of the health care system is easily dealt with parties who have more information in the area (Simou, 2014).

The government is currently active in ensuring health care provisions to all the citizens in the US. This has been done with the aim of executing their machinery to ensure access to health care to all persons in the nation. Poor people often desire to have clinics in their regions of stay and get access to various medical services. Learning the benefits of the government involvement will help people understand their operations and also critique them where necessary. Most times governments have been found to misuse taxpayers’ money under the pretence that it is allocated in the health sector. Learning such government operations can also ensure that all the stakeholders in the industry are provided with the information they need.

Quality is essential for all health care in every region in the world. The government is usually given the mandate to ensure that all the citizens receive quality services from various hospitals. In the US, issues of quality have been discussed for a long period now. The centers for disease and control in their website have in the past indicated that more than ninety thousand people die yearly. These people are said to succumb to infectious diseases in different hospitals. Learning such information will give people an idea of how the medical system is handled by the government and make demonstrations when they feel that they are not given quality provisions.

The government is supposed to analyze gathered information and disseminate it to relevant authorities. Individuals need to get this information and learn various statistics that are provided to ensure minimal risks in most medical procedures. Learning of various outcomes of procedures can greatly assist members of the community to plan ahead with ease. Getting to know issues of cost and service provision can also enable members take different membership organizations that provide relevant care to their needs and desires (Siciliani, 2014).

The government has increased the private sector involvement in the health sector. Patient health care is always improved when the private sector desires to involve themselves in the provision of health products and services. Contracting services from the private sector provides different players in the industry to provide such services with ease. It also assists members of the society to choose best service providers and maintain them in their various regions of operations. Learning the operations of different players from the private sector is beneficial as it assists the government to work with those that cater the needs of their people fully. Such organizations can be funded or provided large operation areas to ensure a wide coverage of such services. Individuals and other stakeholders ought to learn the private sectors provisions for purposes of aligning their functions with those of the central government.

In conclusion, hard decisions in the health care of people from around the globe are inevitable. This has made most practitioners and the medical fraternity to always provide fair and explicit decisions for their operators. There are various methodological limitations with the health economics, but it is able to provide the medical fraternity with economic principles that are crucial for development (Siciliani, 2014). It is vital for all practitioners to understand the basic concepts for purposes of appreciating them.

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