Integrating Social Media into Traditional Marketing

To date, traditional media plays noteworthy roles in commerce. In recent years, many businesses have sought to integrate social media, a budding media, into their public relations and marketing functions. Businesses are increasingly seeking ways of blending their offline spaces and online spaces (Academy of Marketing Science & Kubacki, 2014; Powell, Groves & Dimos, 2011). For instance, some businesses have devised ways of using Facebook together with billboards in marketing. Others are seeking for ways through which Twitter can work together with television. Several trends are clear from the efforts made by businesses towards the integration of the social media, as well the related technological tools, into their traditional advertising along with marketing campaigns.

Trends in the Integration of Social Media into Customary Advertising and Marketing Campaigns 

            As noted earlier, a number of the trends are obvious from the integration. First, more and more businesses are utilizing their traditional media in driving own social channels. They are using media like radio and print advertisements in promoting the channels like Facebook. They traditional media carry information persuading clients to join the businesses’ social conversations happening on the channels (Safko, 2013; Tripathi & Mukerji, 2013). Second, more and more businesses are using social media conversations in their traditional spaces. For instance, many businesses are using welcome comments made by clients on their social media platforms on their traditional spaces. The businesses are using such comments as testaments, or testimonials, carried by traditional like newspapers. Third, many businesses are utilizing traditional media as prizes. Many businesses are developing social media contests and showcasing those winning them on traditional media like print advertisements and television spots (Academy of Marketing Science & Kubacki, 2014; Powell, Groves & Dimos, 2011).

Fourth, presently, many businesses are continuing their marketing accounts or stories carried by traditional media on social platforms. The former is rather effective in reaching masses. Even then, it is commonly limited in terms of airplay and space. Many businesses have taken to capturing audiences with their marketing accounts or stories using it, but carrying them on online. That is helping the businesses in intriguing clients to establish more information relating to the accounts and the businesses in general (Safko, 2013; Tripathi & Mukerji, 2013). Fifth, more and more businesses are exploiting their traditional media resources with regard to spreading marketing messages but capturing the corresponding feedbacks using social media. That means that the businesses are now utilizing social media to make the communication between them and their markets truly two-way. They are using it to tap into their clients’ opinions and thoughts regarding their marketing campaigns on traditional media.

Sixth, an increasing number of businesses are promoting online content using their traditional media budgetary allocations. Businesses are now increasingly keen on sharing their growing pools of marketing content using online avenues like webinars, e-books, and blogs. The contents are useful to their target markets. The usage of the allocations in marketing content using online avenues is exemplified by internet-based display advertising and paid online searches (Academy of Marketing Science & Kubacki, 2014; Powell, Groves & Dimos, 2011). Seventh, a growing number of businesses are increasingly using traditional media in responding to recurring complaints against them made on social media. Notably, social media provides a reliable way via which businesses can learn about the complaints leveled against them by own customers. Businesses are making their responses to such complaints stronger by carrying them on traditional media. That makes the businesses come off as taking such complaints and related matters seriously.

Another trend is that, presently, more and more businesses are organizing offline marketing campaigns or events like marketing conferences using social media. The businesses are holding presentations, tweetups, and meetups in their offices while promoting them through own social channels (El-Gohary & Eid, 2013; Lee, 2014). Besides, it is now clear that more and more businesses are testing markets’ reception of their services, ideas or products using social platforms. The businesses are using traditional channels in promoting the services, ideas or products but getting the related feedback via social media (Safko, 2013; Tripathi & Mukerji, 2013).

Recommendations for the Incorporation of Social Media into a Teens’ Market Segment

Some of the most popular social platforms used in marketing services, ideas, and products to teenagers are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Businesses that are keen on the marketing services, ideas, and products to teenagers should not only have marked presence on the platforms but also engage the teenagers actively on the same platforms. The businesses ought to be keen on what inspires, as well as motivates, teenagers. The adoption of the following recommendations can make a business rather successful in reaching out to the market segment comprising of teenagers.

1.      The business should develop engaging and highly visual marketing content

The behaviors expressed by teenagers shift rather quickly, with their principal turnoffs within social spaces being unoriginality and boredom. To ensure that the marketing content run by the business on social media is not boring, it should be an intrinsically visual and appealing brand. The growth of the content should be organic (Safko, 2013; Tripathi & Mukerji, 2013). The content should come off as authentically present within the social spaces frequented by teenagers.

2.      The business’ marketing efforts to the segment should promote self-expression.

Teenagers find expressive and creative messages appealing. They take up the messages and utilize them expressively and creatively. Teenagers are likely to take up messages that they can customize and personalize. They are likely to take up services, ideas, and products which they can use in creating content (El-Gohary & Eid, 2013; Lee, 2014). The business should develop marketing content that the teenagers can share, respond to, comment on, pull in, and push out easily. The business should put efforts geared towards the promotion of increased self-expression with its services, ideas, and products (Powell, Groves & Dimos, 2011). Besides, the business should offer the targeted teenagers ways that they can use in sharing the content they develop.

  1. The business should appeal to mobile and multi-screen utilization.

Even though television advertisements are traditional in their orientation, the business should integrate television spots with its social platforms. The business should exploit the growing trend of social television among targeted teenagers and all teenagers in general. The business should broadcast its marketing content on diverse platforms since teenagers find merely watching one of the platforms like the television boring over time (El-Gohary & Eid, 2013; Lee, 2014).

Measuring the Recommendations’ Outcomes

The outcomes of the actualization of the recommendations can be established in various ways. The outcomes can be established using predictive analytics along with marketing metrics (El-Gohary & Eid, 2013; Lee, 2014). The latter measures marketing outcomes based on effectiveness. Businesses can use the metrics in gauging the outcomes of the actualization of the recommendations in terms of sales changes. Predictive analytics entails the usage of statistics in examining and determine given data patterns like sales data patterns in given market segments (Academy of Marketing Science & Kubacki, 2014; Powell, Groves & Dimos, 2011). The analytics can be used in establishing the behavioral changes in teenagers constituting the market segment in which they recommendations are implemented.

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