It’s My Party – Movie Review

Crises are events that are or are anticipated to occasion dangerous or unstable situations that impact on specific societies, communities, groups, or individuals. Typically, a crisis is taken as an adverse change in the environmental, human, societal, political, or economic affairs, particularly when they happen abruptly, devoid of or with little caution (Ebert, 1998). Those going through crises, such as Nick in “It’s My Party”, are deemed as going through emergency events or testing times. The major crisis in the film is his being diagnosed with PML (Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy).

In “ It’s My Party ”, Nick implores Brandon not to leave him shortly after confessing to her that he has had a blood test that has shown that he has HIV. Nick fears that he will die alone. Regardless of Brandon’s protestations, their relationship becomes increasingly strained. The love they have expressed for each other for long gets ruined. After a year of separation, Nick, whose immune system is markedly ravaged already, undergoes various clinical tests that confirm that he has PML (Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy). The PML has made him more and more forgetful (Ebert, 1998). Nick has seen several of his friends succumb to PML. He promises himself that he will not go down with the same condition. He has the will to live.

The PML is rather aggressive; his conscious life will be gone in a matter of days. His plan to escape from the tribulations facing him is to end own life voluntarily. He conveys the plan to his friends and family. He is keen on ending own life voluntarily before the PML makes him appear odd, as well as unrecognizable, to those close to him. He is keen on ending own life before he becomes unable of recognizing them as well. A farewell party is held for him. Brandon is not invited to the party. That notwithstanding, she attends the party. Those in attendance jeer her. To them, she comes off as having deserted Nick when he needed her the most.

Nick’s death is not an unexpected and sudden event. Rather, it is a long process that commences with the PML diagnosis, goes on through the reflections Nick has, and ends ultimately in his death. The process means that both Nick, his close friends, and close family members are more and more confronted with the necessity of living with the notion of Nick’s impending death for long. Nick does not suffer all alone. His close friends and close family members are adversely affected by the crisis. As they spend time with him, they commence to interrogate how each of them relates to him intensely as seen in the party.

In the face of the crisis presented in “It’s My Party”, Nick, his close friends, and close family members should be assisted to alleviate it and develop resiliency. Particularly, that can be achieved via teaching them how to cope with the crisis. In some instances in “It’s My Party”, Nick, his close friends, and close family members come off as helpless. They have difficulties communicating own feelings. In the case of Brandon, she is pushed away from Nick to the side. All these individuals can be supported by ensuring that they are listened to by professionals or authorities such as counselors who acknowledge their efforts as well as pain (Ebert, 1998). Nick’s close friends, and close family members should encouraged to trust him to elect his own level of involvement in finding solutions to his suffering without appearing to control his decisions automatically.

In “It’s My Party”, the grieving of Nick, his close friends, and close family members during the crisis can be facilitated by acknowledging the pain they are undergoing. That would console (Bermeo & Pontusson, 2012). Notably, consolation begins when individuals accepts the feelings conveyed albeit how frightening it might be. Nick, his close friends, and close family members can be assisted to cope with the crises by guiding them through discussions of other crises that they have experienced in their lives and how they have coped with them. Such discussions would be helpful in re-engaging their coping mechanisms and action gears in the present crisis (Martz & Livneh, 2007). Given that Nick’s close friends, and close family members may literally put out of their minds from self-care, their ideas on self-support should be encouraged.

Nick, the primary victim of the crisis arising from the PML condition, goes through various phases of grieving. He appears to grieve effectively through the impending loss of his life and social relations. First, the diagnosis creates a crisis for him, his family as well as friends. Brandon leaves her, demonstrating that the diagnosis disrupts the equilibrium of Nick’s family and social relations (Martz & Livneh, 2007). In the first, or crisis, phase, Nick appears to have gotten guidance on what to expect of the condition and the need to share own emotions and memories, hence his thinking of the party. Second, Nick goes through the unity phase. In the phase, the actuality of his looming death presses him to put on hold the grudges and complaints that he may be having. His needs become paramount (Ebert, 1998).

Third, Nick enters the upheaval phase (Martz & Livneh, 2007). Various emotions, including anger and guilt emerge. He goes through the phase effectively by communicating to those close to him honestly. He appears more and more open to communicating his feelings and thoughts regarding the upheavals he is facing. Fourth, he enters the resolution phase. He decides that the best way to deal with his adverse situation is end own life voluntarily. During the phase, he decides to cast into oblivion all the grudges and complaints typifying own life (Ebert, 1998). Lastly, he enters the renewal phase; he appears energized at the party and comfortable that he is going to end own life before long.

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