Just In Time and Process Standardization in a Car Wash

JIT and Process Standardization Paper

Choose a local business establishment, such as a car wash, fast food, dry cleaner, or doctor’s office check-in. Observe and document the process steps followed. Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis in which you:

  • Explain the JIT philosophy.
  • Identify the customer expectations for the service and/or product.
  • Describe the production process steps observed. Diagram a process flowchart.
  • Describe the standardized and non-standardized process steps.
  • State your opinion concerning the process. effectiveness, efficiency, and measurements.
  • Make recommendations for improving the process. Be sure to properly cite your sources.

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Just In Time and Process Standardization in a Car Wash

JIT is a pull system of production in which actual orders give a sign for when a product should be manufactured (Voss and David, 1989). It can be referred to as a philosophy for waste reduction and systematic improvement. However, this is a method which control and at the same time reduce inventory and a production scheduling system. Utilizing JIT in production planning approach helps managers or individuals to reduce inventory to the minimum level. One of the most vital aspects of JIT process is cooperation. JIT thrives performs well in open, honest communication and trust among all parties involved in the process. Employees are expected to work together so as to improve the product and the process. Management must also be open and wiling minded and willing to support the change.

Consumer focus is the key towards satisfying the needs of potential customers. This is considered to be one of the main parts of a business success. Achieving customer focus involves ensuring that the entire organization and not only frontline service staff puts its consumers as a first priority. All the activities starting from planning of new products, marketing and after sales care should be natured around the customer. Every employee and every department should share the same customer focused vision. This can be enhanced by practicing good relationship with the customer. Customers define their identities from the store where they shop and the brands they approve or castoff.

I chose to use car wash as a local business. Don’s car wash offers various services and products to customers’ part from cleaning vehicles; e.g. oiling services, changing car tires, among others. The following were the steps that I observed to have been followed during car washing process. First, two buckets were filled with water, one with soap and the other without. Then a large wash sponge was soaked into the bucket containing soap. A brush was also socked in the soapy water which was to be used in scrubbing in the areas of the car that had hard stains to remove with a sponge. The car was washed starting from the top and around several times. Then the dirt was rinsed out of the sponge in the bucket with plain water frequently until it was clean. This process took quite a long time than expected by the customer.

After the wash, the customer the customer was quite dissatisfied with the service rendered. This is because the car appeared to be dirty even after it had been washed. There were stains of soap on the surface of the car. This could have happened because the car washer did not wipe the car with a dry towel after washing. Another mistake made by the car washer was wetting the inside of the car. He did not close the window screen of the car during washing time. There also little scrubs that could be seen on the surface of the painted parts of the car. The scrubs were as a result of using a brush to clean the car. The washing process only needed a soft sponge in removing the dirt. Last but not least, the time taken cleaning the car was quite annoying the customer waited for so long than expected. I would recommend the organization to buy a car washing machine or increase the number of employees. Generally, the process is inefficiency since not all customers leave the facility satisfied. With all different options for auto detailing at Don’s Car wash, you may not really know what best option for a particular vehicle since there is no explanation of each service. Therefore the service is not standardized and makes Don’s car wash to lose customers and to be a poor competitor in the business arena. The organization needs to adopt a balanced mixture of standardization and customization.

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