MGT646 – Project Management Questions And Answers

Using the project life cycle develops a matrix showing when various sources of conflict occur.

The project life cycles have four elements that include initiation, planning, execution and closure. Project management involves many activities associated with the project which are usually are linked due to the use of the available resources. Therefore, the various activities are done in accordance with the availability of the resources (Gido& Clements, 2014). Some resources are critical while others are not. Some projects may be urgent while others can wait. Therefore, the critical resources are usually employed over urgent issues that may occur. Such urgent issues may affect other areas of the project especially if the activities are delayed. The critical resources may not be available when needed especially when other projects are using them.

Therefore, a company may be handling more than one project at a time since conflicts may occur in the distribution of resources. The structure in the organization may create conflicts due to the sharing of resources. The various managers may thus conflict especially in staffing of projects in cases where there is a delay in one project, which leads to delayed allocation of personnel for other projects(Mir &Pinnington, 2014). Various conflicts envisioned in project manage are usually associated with the resources available for the different projects that the company has to undertake.

The conflicts causes are related tolabor resources, personality clashes, scheduling, administrative procedures, priorities, costs, capital expenditures, facilities, trade-offs and technical opinions (Binder, 2007). Therefore, in a matrix organization, many conflicts arise due to the structure of the organization. Moreover, many decision makers in place determine the allocation of resources. Team members are mostly on the receiving end especially if they lack personnel because they are allocated elsewhere.

Describe the communications process in place on your project or in your organization.

Most of communication that takes place in the organization involves the managers and the leadership in the organization, together with the subordinates. Therefore, the communication channels are differently carried out through the various people in the organization. The communicating channels can be either horizontal or vertical (Kliem, 2008). The horizontal communication is usually between team members while the vertical communication is between the managers and the employees or team members.

For any project to succeed communication, management should be enhanced. Communication is important in any project as it helps to pass out information from one level of leadership to another in the organization. The different levels of leadership and the team members have to communicate through various communications to ensure that the project is clearly understood by project managers and the team members (Herzog, 2015). The project managers should thus give clear information on their needs to ensure that mishaps do not happen. The communication process usually moves from the leaders to the subordinates especially through the managers to ensure that they get the necessary information regarding the activities carried out by each group of workers.

The communication process usually ensures that there is flow of critical information that will help in necessitating the smooth flow of activities in the organization especially among different managers and their workforce (Taylor & Dow, 2013). The communication process in place has three major sections. A sender of the message transmits it to the receiver through a particular channel. The message consists of an idea that has been developed by the sender. The recipient receives the messages and has to decode it to discover its meaning. Decoding and encoding takes place to ensure that the interpretation of the message is done accurately. The message and its interpretationsare done contextually. Encoding of the message involves coming up with the message while decoding the message involves understanding or interpreting the message.

Therefore, the manager in the organization may either use writing or oral methods to ensure that the message reaches the intended audience. Therefore, the managers can be the senders or receivers of the information. The senders can be the leadership and managers in the organization while recipients can be managers and subordinates. Nonverbalcommunication is another effective communication that is used by the managers in the organization. The nonverbal forms of communication involve action, gestures, facial and physical appearance.

At present most of the communication in the organization is done through emails and phone calls to alert the recipients on various projects in place. Furthermore, the message being sent should be clear and concise. The clarity of the message will help in ensuring that the workers receive the information and do accordingly as instructed (Pritchard, 2014). Any project being managed is dependent on the communication coming from the different parties. It is therefore important that the sender of the message communicate in a manner that is understood by the recipient to ensure that effective communication takes place.

Oral communication take place most of the time in the organization. Oral communication is one of the most effective forms of communication since it brings out points clearly that would not have been understood by the intended people. The company usually trains and encourages the people to be active listeners. The managers in the organization usually providefeedback to the workers to ensure that they are on the right track and thus performing their tasks efficiently.

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