Python Programming Language Research Paper

Programming Language Research Paper

Python is regarded to be among the most in-demand and popular programming languages. The latest survey on Stack Overflow demonstrates that Python has overtaken languages such as C++, C, and Java and has managed to secure the top position. Python programming language popularity is attributed to several factors that include that the language is easy and simple to learn as it is similar to the English language. Python has been operation for at least three decades. During this time the language has managed to establish a well-developed supportive community that plays an important role in language growth. Python learners of all skill levels and ages can learn using tutorials, YouTube, and documents that offer the support required to enhance knowledge improvement in python programming. The language is also popular since it supports web development where programmers get various choices as the language contains a framework array for developing websites. Python contains different frameworks that include pylon, flask, and Django. Python is mostly utilized in web development. The language is also employed in machine learning and big data. The two are currently computer since hottest trends, assisting enterprises to transform their processes and workflows. Python has been extensively developed and researched. As one of the most popular data science and analytics tools, Python powers uncountable data processing workloads in organizations across the globe. Moreover, Python libraries that include OpenCV for TensorFlow and computer vision for the neural network are employed in thousands of projects in machine learning daily. Python’s popularity is also fueled by its high level of efficiency. Python stands for a different programming paradigm compared to older languages that include C++ and Java. Nevertheless, this pythonic manner of doing things frequently allows developers to accomplish more with less work, mostly with just a few lines of code. Moreover, Python versatility permits a programmer to employ language across several environments including hardware programming, desktop application, mobile development, and web development.  

Python Programming Language History

Python emerged in the mid-1980s when Guido van Rossum, a Dutchman was working on an educational project to develop a new coder a language known as ABC. While working on this project, Rossum gained interest in language design and began working on Python. Rossum made some rare decisions that separated python from the zeitgeist during that time, and that have continued to make this programming language special even today. One of such decisions was to give meaning to indentation, an unusual move in programming languages. Although critics thought the move would complicate the language, this feature is among the main reasons python is both popular and readable. Python development process continued from mid -1980s to early 1990s, in the Netherlands at the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science. Python is derived from several different languages that include Unix Shell, ABC, Small Talk, Module-3, Algol-68, C++, and C as well as other scripting languages. The language is copyrighted, and like Perl, the language source code is now accessible under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Although Rossum still holds a crucial role in guiding python progress, language is currently upheld by the central development team at the institute. The first version of Python 1.0 was released in 1994 November, followed by the second version of python 2.0 in 2000. The third version of python was released in 2008 which does not offer backward compatibility with its second version. Python 3 stressed the elimination of duplicate programming modules and constructs to leave just one way of handling it. The latest python version is python 3.9.6 which was released in 2021 June [7]. The language is being used by tech giants that include Qualcomm, Cisco, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Quora, Google, and Mozilla owing to its elegance and simplicity. Most developers prefer the language over programming languages plethora due to its stress on efficiency and readability. 

Python Programming Language Strengths

Python lacks security attributes such as protected, private, or public, and thus the program is shorter and simpler, understandable, and extra strict. The language is also very dynamic such that attributes or fields can be generated on the fly which cannot be achieved in C++ or JAVA. Python class and functions methods are polymorphism in nature, different from C++ non-virtual or virtual functions. It permits operator overloading that gives its object extra power since it can be utilized for any natural expression, different from restricted JAVA syntax [2]. Moreover, Python programming indentation plays an essential role in the structure of the program since it makes any Python program easy to understand and read. Also, Python contains magnificent algorithms in its built-in libraries. Therefore, learners are not required to comprehend long arithmetic to do huge computations as the majority already exists in the libraries. The language also contains good tools to join, sort, slice, and find any data sequence. Python contains its unique way to use and store variables. Therefore programmers do not need to define variable types as this will be done by the values stored by the variables. This means learners can learn variable storage theory in the lecture, but it is easier to skip data type information in practice. Besides this, Python contains an intuitive and adaptive set of commands and keywords that impressively assist learners in learning python programming.

Python is an open-source language, such that it has no limitation in distributing, changing, and using, although the program rights are reserved for the python institution. One can freely distribute and use Python even for commercial purposes. A programmer can freely distribute and use software developed in it and even modify its source code. Python is also portable, such that its script can be utilized on various operating systems including Mac OS, Windows, Amigo, Linux, and UNIX among others. Python programs can be moved from one platform to another and executed without making any modifications. Python executes seamlessly on about all platforms. Besides this, the language also supports other technologies including .Net and.Com among other objects. Python is also embeddable and extensible such that one can integrate python with pieces of C++ or C among other languages to achieve higher performance that is unattainable with the use of any single language. Different from C++ or C, one has to think about intimidating tasks such as garbage collection, and memory management among others. Also, when Python code is executed, it automatically converts the code to the language understood by the computer, eliminating the lower-level operations concerns.

Python Programming Language Weaknesses

One of the python weaknesses is that it is considerably slow compared to Java in program execution. This is attributed to its high flexibility forcing machines to use a lot of time to do the needed references. The language is also considerably hard to maintain as it is a dynamically typed language. The Python app becomes more complex to maintain as it grows larger due to the increase of errors that are hard to fix and track down. This experience is needed to effectively design a code in a manner that one can write or test units of codes to enhance maintainability [1].

Python Programming Language Application

Python is used in different areas including web development aided by its common frameworks including Bottle, Django, Flask, and Pyramid. These web frameworks are popular for their flexibility, scalability, and security. Python can also be used in games development as it has great games frameworks including PyKyra, Pysoy, and PyGame among others. It is also used in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Python is popular in this field due to its traits of being flexible, secure, and stable and for having numerous tools. Some of the language frameworks and libraries used in this field include Accord.Net, SciPy, Pytorch, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Seaborn, TensorFlow, and Keras among others [5]. Python is also used in data visualization and data science with the aid of packages that include Sci-Kit, Pandas, and NumPy. It is also used in scraping applications using tools such as LXML, Mechanical Soup, and Beautiful Soup. Python is also utilized for desktop applications using GUI frameworks and toolkits that include PySide, PyQt, PyGUI, PyGtk, WxPython, Kivy, and Tkinter [3].

Python Popularity

Based on 2016/2017 data Python was the 5th largest StackOverflow community with more than 85.9 thousand followers and experiencing continuous growth every day.  The programming Question and Answer site used to support programmers especially beginners contains over 500 thousand questions that are highly likely to be answered compared to other programming languages. The language had the 3rd biggest meetup community and the 4th most utilized language at GitHub. In career opportunities, Python was the 2nd most demanded skill in the market and the skill with the highest average salary [1]. These positions have changed since as this programming language continues to grow in demand and popularity, especially due to demand in data science. Python can be integrated easily into web applications to execute tasks that need machine learning. The sharp uptick in data science use is thus fueling the language growth, demand, and popularity in the market.


Python is a programming language that has experienced a high level of growth and development since its development in the late 1980s. Unlike other object-oriented programming languages, Python has a simple syntax that is easy to learn and develop. This among other positive attributes has contributed to its growth and application in a wide range of fields including artificial intelligence and machine learning. Python has managed to develop to be among the most preferred programming language in the market and to be among the best-paid skills. Its flexibility and ability to alter the source code to fit personal requirements give it a better chance to continue growing even in the future. It may soon be recorded as the top programming language overall, surpassing other previously superior languages such as Java.

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