Scientific Method, Pseudoscience And Alexander Fleming

The scientific method prescribes systematic methods that scientist use to solve various problems. The major steps of the scientific method involve determining the problem that needs to be solved, formulating a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis by determining how you would deem the results as success or failure. It also discusses the wisdom behind the formulating the hypothesis, and steps that one might take if after testing the hypothesis, it is deemed as wrong. Therefore, the scientific method is vital in invention and innovation as it tests whether it is possible to implement a certain idea successfully (Gimbel, 2011).

Pseudoscience is a body of knowledge that loosely resembles the scientific approach but upon scrutiny is proved different from the scientific approach. ‘Alternative science’ and ‘junk science are some of the terms used to refer to fields that resemble pseudoscience. One of the major characteristics of pseudoscience is that it does not adhere to the principles of the scientific method. As such, it is impossible to test the claims of pseudoscience. In addition, the claims of pseudoscience do not follow a logical order. Pseudoscience is usually accompanied by flamboyant language and claims that are highly exaggerated. The arguments of pseudoscience are usually based on ignorance.

Alexander Fleming was a pharmacologist, biologist, and botanist. In 1928 he discovered the penicillin and also won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1945. In 1903, Fleming began his studies at St Mary’s Hospital Medical School in Paddington where he completed his MBBS degree. After the First World War, Fleming undertook extensive research on anti-bacterial agents. By 1927, Fleming made an accidental discovery while investigating the properties of staphylococci. He discovered that a certain culture of the species was infected with fungus after returning from a family holiday. The staphylococci that surrounded the fungus were destroyed whereas those that were far away from the fungus were normal. Fleming then developed the mould in a pure culture. He discovered that the mould produced a substance that killed several disease causing bacteria. He identified that the mould belonged to the penicillin genus. He named the substance that the mould released as penicillin. In so doing, Fleming discovered the first antibiotic. The discovery of penicillin revolutionized medicine. It led to the discovery of antibiotics. Antibiotics are extensively used in treating various infections in the 21st century. Antibiotics help in preventing infection from wounds after surgery. This has reduced the number of people who die due to bacterial infections.

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