Sexual Script

What is a sexual script?

Sexual scripts contain anticipation of how to sexually behave as a male or female, and as a gay, heterosexual, lesbian or bisexual male. Similar to a sexual blue print or road map providing us with general direction, a sexual script allows every person to interpret emotions and organize sexual situations and feelings as sexually meaningful. Sexual script is normally influenced by the society. The society plays a great role in influencing people’s attitude and behaviors, even in sex. Every society controls and regulates the why, who, what, where, and when of sexuality. The society dictates who we should have sex with, what is classified as bad or good, immoral or moral, and suitable or unsuitable sexual behavior. It also dictates on the right time to have sex and the place where the activity should be carried out.  The same society dictates the reasons why we should be engaged in sex. Thus, the society creates a great role in the formation of sexual script. Parents, siblings, media and friends play a great role in teaching children about sex. The sexual script is slowly formed as one grows by learning from the family members, reading books, and picking more information from the society, which include news. The adopted societal culture contributes a lot in the definition of the sexual script. Normally, people adapt to the scripts allowed in the society, based on what they are made to believe in terms of why, what, when, where and with whom (Strong& Cohen, 2013).

Sexual script is in most cases called into play at teenage or puberty, when children starts experiencing hormonal changes. This is the time that human beings start learning about being sexual. They tend to learn a lot from parents, friends, media and siblings among other sources, and sometimes tend to try it when they have an opportunity. The experience grows with time, where the sexual script may be modified from what one gathered from the media, parents, friends and siblings, to what they are comfortable with. The learnt sexual script plays a great role in defining individual sexuality. Those exposed to traditional sexual scripts such as heterosexual may end up living as per the teaching, until they may consider changing it. Although a number may change to adopt something they were not taught, the introduced script tends to rule the sexuality of the majority in the world. It also defined different male and female role in sexuality.Men are defined as sexual encounters initiators and they are anticipated to be knowledgeable, confident, and assertive about sexual matters. It also teaches women on how to behave during sex, with traditional script defining their role as submissive. It centers more on female’s feeling than in the physical act (Strong& Cohen, 2013).

Sexual script basically provides all the information needed among males and females to enhance effective sexual relation. Each individual male or female anticipate that the other party has the relevant information needed to facilitate sexual act. They also expect that they have similar information, especially if they come from the same society, which has similar cultural values. They therefore anticipate that there will be high level of understanding from the first step, which would probably be sex initiation by male, to the last step of the sexual association. However, these expectations are changing in the modern world. The expectation of male and female has with time become much similar. According to researchers Kathryn Greene and Sandra Faulkner research results, modern sexual scripts for males and females are more alike. This is particularly seen within those in committed traditional heterosexual associations, where there is a great level of overlap in men and woman behavior (Strong& Cohen, 2013).

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