Small Training Exercise to Foster a Proactive Organizational Culture

Training and Development

You are required to develop a small training exercise. Review your needs assessment and previous observations conducted on your work environment to help identify one area for improvement that would benefit a part of your organization. This training exercise does not need to be implemented, but should include at least one deliverable that you could use during the training exercise. As you are reviewing your organization, consider employee engagement, systems, procedures, communication, and the culture within the organization. These are suggestions for possible areas that could benefit from a training exercise. The training must include the following:

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  • What goal is the organization trying to accomplish?
  • What processes or procedures will change after the training?
  • Describe the strategies or actions involved in the training exercise to meet established goals. What is the expected performance or applications after the training? How will the strategies drive successful business results and improve employee performance?
  • How will the organization provide support to the employees receiving training? To new employees? Does this support consider strengths and weaknesses within the organization?

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A Small Training Exercise to Foster a Proactive Organizational Culture

Brady and Sons is a leading audit firm based in Seattle, Washington with 12 chapters across several jurisdictions in the United States. The company’s Seattle nerve center is responsible for coordinating operations and liaising with associate branches to ensure the organization attains set objectives. A needs assessment of the Advisory Department conducted in this particular work environment reveals an urgent need for the creation of a suitable career development plan to foster advancement and the attainment of organizational objectives. It has been noted, and with great concern, that the firm has long overlooked the significance of preparing subordinate employees to take up positions left vacant by supervisors. This small training exercise, therefore, endeavors to foster a proactive organizational culture within the firm while making certain that departmental goals are always attained.

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Goal of training exercise

             The primary aim of this training exercise is to create a concise framework for application within the Advisory Department of Brady and Sons to foster career advancement and development amongst subordinate employees. Brady and Sons currently adheres to a framework based on discussions between supervisors and junior employees to determine their trajectory in relation to career goals. This training exercise, thus, aims to simplify this process and guarantee smooth transition from their current positions to senior supervisory responsibilities. It is only through this process that the organization will be assured of accuracy in targeting interests of junior employees and nascent future needs for the Advisory Department.

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Career advancement at Brady and Sons is particularly essential for it is bound to boost levels of job satisfaction and higher rates of employee retention compared to close contemporaries. An enhanced level of engagement among employees also improves the quality of work done and services offered to clients, ultimately supporting the organizations development (Success Factors, 2019). This small training exercise seeks to serve as a conduit to the aforementioned objectives while encouraging junior employees to strive for advancement in their careers.  A concise succession plan reduces the probability of discontent and the festering of parochial feels among junior employees that may prove detrimental to the organization. 

Procedures bound to change after training

            The training program due to be implemented at Brady and Sons aspires to transform the current approach to career development and advancement within the organization.  The advancement of supervisors to managerial positions seems to occur arbitrarily, which is why it is imperative to implement a structured training strategy. Supervisors have been known to occasionally hold meetings with subordinate employees to determine their objectives at the workplace before making a decision regarding their suitability for a particular position. This procedure will change after the implementation of this training program to one centered on succession to take on supervisory roles. The random nature of the previous structure will be replaced by one where lateral positions are occupied by individuals with the appropriate skill set for new positions.  This will ultimately foster employee engagement within the Advisory Department since key positions will be occupied by capable persons with the appropriate training to discharge their duties as required.  Part of the objective of this particular training plan is to ensure career development plans become part and parcel of the organizational culture at Brady and Sons for posterity.

Strategies and implementation of the training exercise to meet established goals

            The application of the current training exercise at Brady and Sons will be largely dependent upon the organization’s liaison with the human resources (HR) department at the organization. It will particularly prove essential to the organizations goals through the creation of a dependable training program for capacity building and improving the skillsets of junior employees within the organization.  The primary intention of this particular objective is to make certain that junior employees are able to advance in their careers while still preparing for key management position. They will be required to eventually display a high level of mastery of the management of fellow employees and the hundreds of cases presented to the department on a continual basis. It is noteworthy to acknowledge that the primary focus of this training initiative is to foster fluidity at the workplace environment in a design that affords numerous opportunities for growth within the department. This process will begin with changes which will be made systematically affecting the exact manner in which career advancement is handled within the organization. Supervisors will now be tasked with broaching issues linked to career development to guide them through this complex process while arming them with apposite tools.

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Training Exercise

             Brady and Sons will drive successful business results enhance employee performance through a rigorous retraining of supervisors within the organization to boost career development within the organization. This process will involve frequent contact with subordinates to gauge their current level of preparedness to occupy new positions within the organization as required. Furthermore, the training program will also consist of elaborate lectures where class activities will be introduced in addition to regular discourses among participants. The following will ultimately be attained after successful completion of the exercise:

  • An inherent ability to pinpoint specific career goals for subordinate employees to determine specific areas to positioned with the Advisory Department.
    • A determination of resources which can be harnessed to enable subordinate employees in attaining short- and long-term goals.
    • The development of concise career development plans which will prove effective in guaranteeing success in this particular initiative.

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A major strength of Brady and Support in creating this particular initiative is its focus on consensus before making important decisions.  Holding lectures and related classes during the training exercise will be critical in making sure that subordinate employees gain full comprehension of the process and their role in the grand scheme of things.  It will also serve as an integral forum with regard to the sharing of constructive information especially since concerns will be aired and clarifications provided by instructors. Identifying departmental goals is central to any training exercise for it charts a clear path and ensuring the said career path is followed to the letter (Heathfield, 2012).

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Career development initiatives typically provide an inimitable avenue for organization to create a definite sense of direction among its employees. Brady and Sons seeks to apply a robust training exercise to prepare subordinate employees within the Advisory Department to take up future responsibilities as supervisors. The latter will play a central role in facilitating the training and the adoption of a new framework supported by the HR department as a useful training unit.  This will eventually ensure participants acquire skill sets central to their success at their current work stations and future postings.

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