Stretching Routine for your Work Environment

Discussion Prompt

Explain a stretching routine for your work environment. As you consider your routine, keep in mind the specific individuals within your work environment who will be using this plan. How will you account for differences in sizes, ages, and cultures?

Sample Answer – Work Environment Stretching Routine

Employees are encouraged to be involved in physical activities such as stretching during work to assist in lowering chances of injuries and strains. Some of the stretching activities employed in my work environment include head and neck stretching which can be done any time a person feels strained while sitting at their work station. This exercise is common among workers that sit on a computer workstation for long. Scheduled stretching activities are done twice per day, where the company provides30 minutes which is divided into two small stretching breaks, each allocated 15 minutes. The exercise coordinator guide workers in doing various stretching activities that can be done by anyone irrespective of age, size or culture in the first ten minutes of the exercises. These include simple neck stretching that include  look right and left,, side neck, and forward bend, arms stretching such as arm extension, legs and back stretching activities such as standing twists, forward bend and upper back stretch. Individuals are then provided with the remaining five minutes to stretch on their own based on individual’s needs. This is where young men and women do more demanding stretching, while older and less swift continue with light stretches that makes them feel better. The first break takes place in the morning before starting the work, while the second break happens after working for four hours. Workers are also allowed to stretch on their own during lunch and tea breaks based on personal needs to do so.

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