
Explore a comprehensive collection of academic materials focused on crime studies. Enhance your understanding of criminal behavior, justice systems, and prevention strategies.


The Frequency Of Corporate Crime In The United States

Crime is divided into different types: ordinary/conventional; organizational /occupational. Conventional crime engulfs crimes of violence like rape, assault, and murder. On the other hand, theoccupational crime consists of aviolation of laws in the course of carrying out a legitimate occupation and is also dubbed “white collar crime.” Lastly, organizational crime is committed by large organizations


Arson Crime Scene Investigations Guidelines

You are a senior member of an arson investigations unit. You are being supported by newly assigned criminal investigators from a street crime unit, who don’t have must experience in the investigation of arson crimes. These investigators have had training in the physical evidence collection process, but they look to you for legal guidance in


SARA Model – Crime Prevention

Four Components of the SARA model The four components of SARA are scanning, analyzing, responding, and assessing. “Scanning refers to identifying problems in the community and understanding their nature and extent. Analysis refers to learning the causes of sources of the problem and researching what has been done to intervene in the past (so one


OECD Convention Obliges Member To Make The Bribery, Corruption and Extortion A Crime Under Their Laws

Assignment Instructions The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Convention is an unusual international agreement in that it seeks to coordinate disparate legal and ethical systems in order to arrive at a minimum standard with respect to an important form of white collar crime. It obliges signatory countries, which now include all 30 OECD


Law: Reducing Juvenile Weapons Crimes – Youth Firearms Violence

Youth Firearms Violence Initiative Youths at their adolescent stages are always associated with delinquent behaviors and this has remained a serious problem in many cities in the US. However, although the problem is risky, it can be solved, (Hemenway, 2006). Youth violence remains a complex issue, which requires the intervention of the society before the


The National Response Plan for White Collar Crime

This is a financially motivated mostly nonviolent crime that is committed by government and business professionals. It is a crime committed by persons of a high social status that happens in the course of his/her occupation(Nelken, 1994). White collar crimes are committed mostly for financial gain. These crime is quite complex to prosecute since the


Should Juveniles Be Sentenced To Life For Heinous Crimes?

In almost all states of the United States, thousands of juveniles have been sent to adult prisons without considering the fact that they are not mature enough to undergo similar court proceedings as adults. Furthermore, nearly four thousand children who commit heinous crimes nationwide have been sentenced to life imprisonment without any possibility of parole

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