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Confidentiality and Truthfulness – Healthcare Case Study

Case One Mary Stokes is in need of a kidney transplant, and her parents and siblings have been tested for compatibility. Her father is afraid of operations and knows that kidney trouble runs in the family. Before the test, Mary’s father tells the doctor that he does not want anyone, especially his wife, to know […]


Human Services Practice in Criminal Justice versus Mental Healthcare Settings

Differences  While the human services practice’s subjects, or clients, in mental healthcare settings seek and get specific human services out of own volition, the clients in criminal justice contexts are obligated to get services (Cohen, 1985).  While the human services practice’s subjects, or clients, in mental healthcare settings have no motivation, or interest, to lie


Leadership Plan to Address Financial Gaps Within A Healthcare Organization

Create a 10–12-slide PowerPoint presentation that communicates a leadership plan to address financial gaps within your organization. Use Kaltura or another technology to narrate and record a 10–15-minute audio presentation. Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order To remain viable, health care organizations need leaders who can


Wyoming Mental Health Professional Licensing Board – Healthcare Licensing

Introduction Wyoming Mental Health Professional Licensing board carries out the important function of regulation and licensing of social workers, addictions, family and marriage therapists. The board of the licensing body has six members. The six members are all licensed and who include a clinical social worker, family and marriage therapist, addictions therapist, a professional counsellor


Management of Health Care Quality – Sunlight Hospital

Assignment Instructions Imagine that you are a hospital administrator at the Sunlight Hospital in California. The main complaint among the patients is the quality of care. Your job is to understand the state of the hospital, create value, increase efficiency, and turn the facility into a local hospital of choice. Whenever you are making visits


Detection and Reporting of Adverse Events – Healthcare

An adverse event can be described as any untoward or unfavorable medical occurrence in a clinical investigation subject. Mostly, it occurs when a clinical officer administers pharmaceutical product that have no casual relationship with the treatment. It results to abnormal signs in the laboratory findings, symptoms, and disease that cause physical and psychological harm. There


Effective Communication and Cultural Competence within Healthcare facilities

A well-integrated communication in healthcare facilities. The healthcare sector if full of dynamics and diversification in which their incorporation calls for an effective mode of communication within the various healthcare service facilities. The healthcare uses the art of communication as an essential tool towards the achievement of productivity and maintenance of strong working relationships at


HSA515 Healthcare Policy, Law and Ethics

You have just been hired as a new chief executive officer of a new full-service 200-bed for-profit health care organization. Twenty-four (24) hour emergency room services will be provided. The services offered will focus on adult care. The physicians under consideration for employment at the new facility are world renowned for their highly successful treatment


Financial Factors that Make Healthcare Organisations Merge

There are varied strategic financial considerations that make healthcare organisations keen on merging with others. The considerations include allowing financial growth in the organisations, bolstering market shares, gaining a foothold in new markets, and getting new products. Notably, all these considerations are geared towards the bolstering of the organizations’ financial standings (Dunham-Taylor & Pinczuk, 2004).

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