
Explore comprehensive insights into the prison system, including inmate rights, rehabilitation programs, and the impact of incarceration on society.


Ethical Dilemmas that an Assistant District Attorney is Likely to Face While Serving his Prison Term and Probation

Ethical Conflicts in Correction             The United States prides itself as the home of the free and has been an enormous influence in the international stage for many years. Through its constitution and other documents like the Declaration of Independence, the country strives to protect the rights of its citizens. However, domestically, the United States […]


Tuskegee syphilis studies and the Zimbardo Prison Experiment – Critical Analysis and Comparison of Scientific Researches

Introduction             There are numerous scientific researches that have been conducted, and most of these researches involved human population in one way or the other. The scientific researches that involve human population must always be carried out in accordance to a codes of ethics of research (Pierce, 2007). These ethics of scientific research were developed


Prison is Ineffective Because Most People Come out Worse Than They Went in

Imprisonment is among the most severe punishment in self-governing societies apart from capital punishment that is only used in the United States. The primary rationale of imprisonment is crime prevention. Imprisonment is anticipated to prevent crime through deterrence and incapacitation. Incapacitation denotes crime prevention yielding from the offenders’ physical isolation. Deterrence denotes a behavioral response


How Discipline in Schools Leads to the School-to-Prison Pipeline in Low Income Communities

Introduction The school-to-prison pipeline refers to the process whereby, experiences of disciplinary in school augment students’ probability of contact with the juvenile justice system. It refers to institutional practice of channeling school students that are frequently from disadvantaged families into the criminal justice system. This contact with criminal justice is consequently related with devastating economic,


Primary Constitutional Amendments That Comprise Prisoner Complaints; 1st, 4th, 8th, and 14th – Cases

Assignment Instructions Write an essay of 750-1,000 words that details four court cases, one case for each of the four primary Constitutional Amendments that comprise most prisoner complaints; 1st, 4th, 8th, and 14th. Sample Solution – Legal Considerations in Confinement First Amendment The first constitution amendment assures freedoms regarding assembly, expression, religion, and the right


Effectiveness of the Current American Prison System

The current American prison system is ineffective form of punishment because of the way prisons are run. In the US, the solitary reason of imprisonment appears to be punishment. Punishment is essential for intentions of justice since exclusive of that offenders would run amok with no responsibility for their deeds. Punishment, on the other hand,

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