Research Paper

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Jihadi Salafism – Criminology Research Paper

Definition The increased attack by Islamic extremists has increased a concern into the study of the Islamic brotherhood ideologies (Wimhurst, 2016). However, there exist numerous Islamic groups that subscribe into the Islamic brotherhood, yet their strategies and ideologies differ. For instance, the ideologies of ISIS, Islamism and Salafism all differ, yet all subscribe to the […]


The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy – Research Paper

Presidential doctrine definition and a summary of regional/global events during the Cold War leading up to the formation of the presidential doctrine  (you wrote about in Assignment 1 (Reagan Doctrine)) A doctrine or presidential doctrine refers to stances attitudes or goals that are outlined by the United States presidents for the country’s foreign affairs (Brands, 2006).


Institutional Review Board Research Paper

An Institutional Review Board (IRN) is described as a group of professional task with the responsibility of monitoring research designed intended to obtain information from or about human subjects. The composition of the IRBs include members drawn from multidiscipline research as well as from the communities where the research is conducted(Bronte-Tinkew, et al., 2008). There


Human-Computer Interaction Research Paper

Introduction             Human-computer interaction (HCI) is described as the study of how human interacts with computer systems(Preece, Rogers, & Sharp, 2015). HCI is wider term that touches on various methods that humans interacts with computers which include graphic design, engineering, ergonomics, psychology, computer science and health services. Importance of Human-Computer Interaction             Since computer use


Morbid Obesity Research Paper

Part 1: Analysis of the Morbid Obesity Process in General Introduction: Definition of Morbid Obesity Morbid obesity is a condition associated with individuals who register a body mass index (BMI) of more than 40, which constitutes more than 50% or 100% above what their ideal body weight should be (Sturm & Hattori, 2013). The BMI


Information Technology Certifications Research Paper

Introduction             Information technology certifications are normally non-degree programs awarded to individuals or organizations after they are cleared by the awarding organization, having achieved the qualifications as set by the awarding organization. It has been shown that those who have been certified by IT bodies have a higher pay, usually ten to twenty percent increment


War On Drugs – Research Paper

Brief history of war on drugs War on drugs begun over 50 years ago with the 1961 UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. The convention legalize the basis of the global war on drugs in two functional perspectives; it institutes a global prevention of some drugs for non-medical usage, it also stringently controls many of


Promotional and Advertising Strategies Research Paper

Select one product from one of the following categories to research: sports apparel, automobiles, home furnishings, or televisions. Use the Internet to research at least two (2) companies within the selected product category. Take note of the leading companies in this product group, as well as the types of marketing, pricing, and consumer-oriented promotional strategies


Critical Review Of A Research Paper – Recruiting Project Managers

Background This critical review is on the following research paper “ Recruiting Project Managers: A Comparative Analysis of Competencies and Recruitment Signals from Job Advertisements ”. The study is about the competencies organizations use in Project Manager Job advertisements to recruit project managers. Organizations find it a challenge to recruit the ‘right’ project manager. Choosing


Diversity in Organizations – Research Paper

Diversity in Organizations Assignment Instructions Diversity is a critical issue in organizations, perhaps especially so for human services.  However, diversity is a concept and putting it into practice is often difficult for organizations.  For example, the University of California San Francisco, a health provider, defines diversity as: The variety of experiences and perspective which arise

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