Threat of Corporal Punishment And Juvenile Delinquency

Do you feel that juvenile delinquency can effectively be curbed by the threat of corporal punishment? Why or why not?

In my opinion juvenile delinquency cannot be effectively curbed by the threat of corporal punishment. In most cases juvenile delinquency is propagated by violence. Most of delinquent youths come from violent families, families with strict and autocratic parenting styles, violent neighborhoods, or they have ever experienced abuse in their life. This means that violent has been the major contributor to the development of delinquency. It cannot therefore be used to address the problem it has caused. Majority of delinquent youths are already used to violent and hence corporal punishment would not scare them at all. On the contrary, a better ways of helping and guiding delinquent youths would play a better role in curbing delinquency effectively compared to the threat of corporal punishment.

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Do you feel that juvenile delinquency issues should be addressed by the threat of corporal punishment? Why or why not?

Juvenile delinquency is a sensitive issue that is deep rooted to social problems that include poverty, abuse, negligence, peer pressure poor parenting, drugs use, violence and serious psychological problems among other things (Hirschi, 2002). This means that juvenile delinquency issues should not be simply addressed by the threat to corporal punishment. Corporal punishment cannot in any way uproot the main cause of juvenile delinquency. In any case, physical suffering caused by corporal punishment may act as a fuel to more bitterness and aggression among those youths, making them more dangerous, vengeful and violent. Thus threat of corporal punishment may not play any positive role in handling juvenile delinquent issues. Although it may create fear to some, the fear can be easily surpassed by other forces pushing youths to delinquent behaviors. Moreover, the brain development of youths is not mature and may thus be prone to acting in impulse. This means that most of them will not get time to think of the threat and instead, their action will mostly be influenced by the circumstances at hard. Thus those threats may not bear any fruits in fighting juvenile delinquency issues.

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How would this punishment interact with the laws now with regard to child abuse? Explain.

Corporal punishment is a form of inflicting physical pain to a child without causing injuries as a punishment for what he or she has done. It is used for control or correction purpose. A child is hit in a single or multiple parts of the body using belts, canes, yardsticks, or paddles among others objects to cause fear and pain (Advocacy Committee, 2003). Corporal punishment should not be a form of child abuse, unless in a situation where it is injurious or in a situation where corporal punishment is said to impact social interaction, psychological and physical wellbeing of a child (Basssam, Marianne, Rabbaa & Gerbaka, 2018). Thus, whoever administering corporal punishment should do it in a measurable manner to avoid a situation where corporal punishment surpasses its intended purpose to result to abuse.

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Do you think corporal punishment would have a lasting adverse effect on the psyche of the child? Why or why not?

The effect of corporal punishment on a child can depend on a number of factors. One is whether the child understands its meaning and why he or she is being punished. In my opinion, in a situation where a child is beaten up without understanding why, the child is likely to take it negatively. When a child see the punishment as a form of abuse, discrimination and mistreatment, then it is likely to cause adverse effect on the psyche of the child. In addition, when corporal punishment is used frequently, it may hurt the child’s psyche. It is therefore important to moderate corporal punishment and to always make children understand why they are being punished. The beating should match an offense, by ensuring is not exaggerated to create different impression.

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