Using $100000 To Solve Unemployment In The Community

Unemployment has remained a very big problem in the community for quite a long time. Many people of working age have actively been searching for employment but they are unable to find work. Unemployment rate is the most frequently used measure of unemployment in every economy. High unemployment rate is associated with numerous impacts on community members and to the economy (Dooley and Prause, 2004). The negative impacts of unemployment make it important to address the problem as fast as possible. Suppose I get 100,000 United States dollars today, I will use it to address the problem of unemployment in the community. Since unemployment results into psychological, social, and economic impacts which are detrimental to community development, I will use the money to fund projects that increase employment opportunities to family members.

Unemployment causes serious psychological impacts on community members, which affects their ability to take part in activities that promote community development. According to Paul and Moser (2009), unemployment is associated with low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, low subjective well-being, and psychosomatic symptoms. Individuals who are psychologically affected have poor health and are very likely to die young. Unemployment can therefore result into reduced life expectancy among adults, adolescents, and children in the community (Dooley and Prause, 2004). Projects that increase employment opportunities in the community will keep community members strong, energetic, and ready to take part in activities that promote economic development.

Many social problems that are witnessed in the community occur due to high unemployment rates. Unemployed parents are faced with the difficulty of taking care of their children at home (Dooley and Prause, 2004). Children from unemployed families are unable to attend school like their age mates from employed families. Elevated stress makes such parents to mistreat their children who later run away from home and start living as street children. Adolescent children who run away from home engage in activities that are risky to their lives such as theft, prostitution, robbery, and drug abuse. This makes the community a very unsafe and insecure place to live in. According to Belle and Bullock (2007), domestic violence is common among families with unemployed spouses. The only way through which the community can be relieved from the burden associated with all these social problems is by increasing employment opportunities in the community.

Unemployment greatly affects the economy of the community and of the nation as a whole. Unemployed families are unable to purchase basic needs such as food and clothing for their families. In addition, unemployment reduces the spending power of community members who are always willing to save the little amount of money that they have for future use instead of spending it. This in turn affects the flow of money in the country, which in turn causes adverse effects on the economy (Belle and Bullock, 2007). By funding projects that increase employment opportunities in the community, members of the community will be able to find ways of earning a living and the economy of the nation will be strengthened.

In conclusion, unemployment is one of the most compelling needs in the community. Unemployment causes psychological, social, and economic effects that interfere with economic development. It is therefore important to use every available opportunity to increase employment opportunities in the community. This explains why 100,000 United States dollars will be used to fund projects that increase employment opportunities.

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