Components of An Evidence-Based Research

Multiple elements, conducted with an evidence-based approach, are critical features of a credible and valid research study. These components contribute significantly to the trustworthiness of the results. Firstly, a well-crafted research question establishes the essence of the study and directs it towards achieving the specific objectives of the research. Lund et al. (2021) note that this question must be particular, measurable, and relevant in order for the given task to serve as the point of reference for the research. The second component of evidence-based research is the detailed literature review, after which the author must be able to position the research study within the existing body of knowledge, identify gaps in research, and establish a theoretical framework (Lund et al., 2021). Besides, it helps the researchers not only to skim through others’ works but also gives them a chance to build on existing knowledge and avoid repeating the efforts that have already been done before by other researchers.

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Research qualifies to be described as an evidence-based research when conclusions are drawn and there is a clearly stated hypothesis or research objective, which offers room for the study’s goal to be understood. According to Dusin et al. (2023), the research design that will be used in the study must be carefully outlined and define the type of study (e.g., experimental, observational, and qualitative), the sampling techniques, the methods of collecting data, and the data analysis procedures. Ethical considerations, in particular in cases involving human subjects, play a major role in determining the credibility and validity of an evidence-based research. Dusin et al. (2023) show that this is the step where consent should be sought, and once it has been obtained, the confidentiality of the participant should be ensured, and any possible risks, if any, that the participant would face should be highlighted. Institute review boards play a critical role in such contexts, as they ensure that studies meet ethical standards before they are published and used as future references.

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The study’s methodology section outlines specific tools for data collection and analysis, aiming to maintain transparency and reliability. It is essential to provide a transparent visualization of the data analysis that also involves outlining statistical or qualitative numerical analysis techniques implemented to interpret the data. The findings of the research are indicated in the results section concisely, along with the insight of the study and the utilization of tables, figures, and statistics when necessary (Robinson et al., 2021). In the discussion section, the results of the research are evidence-based and are usually interpreted in light of the research question as well as the literature, expertise, relevance of the results, problems of the study, and future prospects. Ultimately, the research result should be presented as the last important part, which comprises an explanation of the key findings, their implications, and any recommendations for practice or further research.

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Lastly, a research study is evidence-based research when it has a complete list of all the sources that are utilized in the study included in the list of references, following one of the most respected citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA, Harvard, and many more). The peer reviews carried out by my experts, which therefore become evidence of the research and are to be published by a reputable scientific journal, constitute additional validation. One way that researchers achieve their goal of providing evidence-based studies is by integrating these components, which ensures the accuracy of their data collection and analysis processes, furthering researchers’ understanding of their respective areas of study.

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