How To Write Accurate and Effective Job Position Descriptions

A job description is a very critical document for every position. It takes care of various important functions. It is able to describe the skills of a person as well as the competencies that are required. It is meant to make a definition of where the job might fit in the overall company hierarchy. It is also the basis for the employment contract. It is also a very valuable performance management tool. The following are the fundamental steps for making an efficient job description for a position.

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First of all, write down the job title. It should be described appropriately and should as well have the following qualities. It should reflect appropriately the ranking order with the other jobs in the organization (Berber, Nel, & Van Dyk, 1987). It should appropriately reflect the job’s nature as well as the duties to be performed and should not make an exaggeration of the importance of the job. It should also be very free from age and gender implications. Lastly, it should be self-explanatory for the purposes of recruitment.

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Secondly, a good job description should have a list of the duties that one is expected to undertake as well as the time that each task is expected to be undertaken. This should not be longer than 2-3 sentences. The skills as well as the competencies should be well listed and should be separate from each other as they are two different things. Skills is what can be achieved through practice and study. A competency are the attributes or the traits that the candidate is expected to display.

It is also important to include the working relationships as well as the reporting lines that the in the job description. The reporting lines are able to lay down the responsibilities that he employee will have and shows who the candidate will be reporting to as well as who will be reporting to them (Berber et al, 1987). The working relationships on the other hand stipulates the people as well as the department that the person is expected to work really closely with. By use of an organization chart, relationships can be well represented in the job description.

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Lastly, it is very important to mention the salary issue in your job description. Rather than mentioning a specific salary, it is important that you mention a salary range and include it in the job description. Also give an allowance of the experience as well as the education expectation. This would need an update from time to time as they pay scales keep changing.

A very good job description includes more than a list of the tasks to be undertaken as well as the responsibilities. If written appropriately, it is able to give the reader a sense of the priorities which are involved.

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