A critique of Leadership Competencies By Margie Jannti

“A critique of Margie Jannti, (2012)’ “ Leadership Competencies’’

Margie Jannti Nick Greenhaigh, (2012), “ Leadership competencies: a reference pointfordevelopment and evaluation,” Library management, Vol.33 Iss 6/7 pp. 421-428. Margie Jannti is an accomplished leader and director who has furnished her skills in goal achievement. She has a BA (Lib Info Sci, ), MbusAdmin, and is a  University Librarian at the University of Wollongong, Australia. She recepient of the Council of Australian for Librarians Achievement Awards in 2003. Her works are very incisive to say the least.

In her paper on Leadership Competencies: a reference point for development and evaluation,puts forth a framework that encompasses perfomance outputs that can be measured and demonstrated in a library environment in order to achieve set goals and targets in the library. She engages a consultant to to help facilitate a review of the Library’s leadership Situation. She goes ahead to design a competency framework  that recognises the workers potential to acquire various competencies. By so doing she provides the library with a vehicle that helps attain goals. She takes us through a brief history of Wollongong Library of using business exellence frameworks and standards just like other libraries do. She notes the key problems affecting the library as; an ageing workforce and the subsequent loss of knowledge, skills and expirience occasioned by limited uptake of senior level positions by internal staff and proposes newer approaches to minimse the same. Margie Jannti goes ahead and establishes nine competencies that she uses to esttablish a succes profile for two leadership groups she has already created. It is important to note that the competencies she comes up with describe measurable characteristics related to success at work. She also uses Carreer interviews which provide an opportunity to employees to discuss carreer goals and levels of ambition. To cap it all,the competencies are fully integrated into key staff policies, procedures and documentation. From the conclussions she comes up with, it is clear that the competency models she is using are working for already a number of employees have progressed to higher roles or are preparing themselsves for such roles in future. She does note at the end that this excercise of leadership deveopment has been significant because it has led led to changed perceptionsof leadership aspirations, aptitude and ability.(Jannti, 2012)

From the above summary several aspects come out, Margie Jannti adopts an integrated system.  She adopts Lominger Competency which is a very effective solution for the management of talent in an organisation.(Michael, J 2004)  This as a system that is user friendly, very agile and can be fine- tuned to meet an organisation’s need and can be easily integrated into its system. Jannti narrows down to nine competencies and she is carefull enough to use only components that are measurable. She also arranges them to clusters hence making them more accessible to users. From the possitive impact that is achieved at the end itis evident that Jannti has used a module that puts into consideration a worker’s potential for growth

Apart from doing the aforementioned, she also developes conference models with the aid of an adviser sourced externally. From  her framework she also has the future of the library in mind because her model places emphasis on grooming the workforce to be ready to embrace future leadership roles hence swiftly replacing an aging and tired workforce.(Caligui, P. 2006). It is always essential for an organisations to nurture future leaders from within its rank and file.

Margie Jannti puts forth logical arguments and interprets them with clarity for proper understanding. She clearly from the start points out the intention of her study and the approaches that she uses are well thought out for they give a possitive feedback. She for example uses Lominger’s VOICE 360- Degree feedback instrument and through this she notes improved confidence in leaders and a greater preparedness to address underperformance.

The author of these paper as can be seen briefly in the above paragraph use appropriate methods of information gathering for apart from Lominger’s VOICE 360- degree, she also uses Lominger’s competency profiles which leadership teams affirmed were desired and expected for results. The copmetencies she uses provide goal clarity and an insight of how to become skilled in a given competency., and a reference point for evaluation. There is a qualitative and quantitative data that she provides that cleary demonstrates a commitment to leadership development and desired behaviours that are associated with competencies. This has significantly increased the perfomance of leader in the organization.

The use of career interviews as a method of information gathering proves very interractive and through this a key organisational myth is overturned. The consultant and middle level managers are able to give very candid responses. The participants are now willing to gor for leadership roles after attitude change.

The use of a consultant sourced from outside helped inject a sense of objectivity in the entire excercise. The validation instruments used also introduced a degree of objectivity that was essential in removing perceptions of bias or prejudice in the assesment of workforce leadership requirements.

In conclusion, this paper is very clear and significant for it ushers a new milestone in commitment to quality, excellent service and and best practice. The incisive insight offered by Margie Jannti will help leaders in other organisations be in a position to overcomeseveral barries in the organisation whether those barriers are real or perceived. The competencies identified  provide clarity, insight on how to become skilled in given competencies. The competency frameworks used have helped the organisation in enhancing employee effectiveness, a career management system that is enhanced and helps underpin employee reviews and appraisals. The shortcoming that is inherent Jannti’s paper is essentially the fact that the framework adopted has not taken into account the legal input for example with regard to disability and discrimination law which are key in any organisation.  Margie Jannti’s paper is worth reading because in her paper she adopts a business stategy that has the future of the organisation in place and integrates a unique set of valuable kills that are essential for the organization’s leaders. The leadership competencies put in place can make any organisation gain a competitive advantage. The important lesson learnt here is that leaders  within an organisation can only achieve and sustain a competitive advantage if they intergrate various competencies and purpose to implement then no matter the initial cost implication. This paper is a must read for it a true reference point development and evaluation.

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