Adopting New Technology in an Organization – Leading Organizational Change

Assignment Instructions

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for the student to integrate and apply the individual and organizational leadership learning from this course by developing a plan for organizational change.

Assignment Steps

Review course assignments for Weeks 1-5, including the results of the Mastering Leadership Self-Assessment taken in Week 1.

Select an organizational change in your company or one you know.

Develop a 1,050-word analysis designing the action plan for you, as a leader, to address the organizational change.

Include the following, in any sequence you choose:

  • Identify the organizational change process steps you would take and prioritize the order in which you would take them.
  • Include both individual and organizational leadership actions.
  • Scholarly citations must be given to support your rationale and proposed actions.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Sample Solution – Adopting New Technology in an Organization


Change taking place in this case is transitional change involving the implementation of new technology. The company is adopting technology in dealing with the various work processes such as communication, billing and reporting. The new technology will involve an information system that will help in enhancing the work processes in the organization. The implementation of new technology borders on the change of dealing with business processes and aligning them with technology (Burnes, 2014). Technology as such will be embraced in the carrying out of various processes in the organization and training, and development sessions will be conducted to ensure the employees can deal with changes being implemented. Tasks and skills, in this case, are important and therefore training and preparing the workers on how to deal with and embrace the change is quite remarkable. Selection of systems of the new technological changes further has political inclinations and may be meddled with in the process. People may not readily accept the changes and may find ways to oppose it, and it is therefore important for efficient communication to be in place for the workforce especially about the information system. The organization, therefore, has to decide on systems and their approval through communicating effectively to the workforce and management.

The absorbing of the new technology in the workplace is another important issue. Users should be able to use the new technology quite efficiently. This will arise by the adoption of training and development procedures (Griffins, 2014). Employees are part of the organization and are an important part of the organization especially in executing the daily tasks that help keep the organization running smoothly. Their involvement in the change process is quite important. Not only will the management be involved in the use of the technology but also the employees. Therefore, it will be important to come up with various ways that will help in ensuring that the employees understand and know how to use the new technology.

The new technology will be designed and tested by the respective developers. The developers will work together with the management and staff to ensure that the adoption of the new technology takes place smoothly. The experts implementing the program for the company will implement it especially in accordance to the needs of the organization (Campbell, 2014). The development of the technology especially into the business processes will be done to ensure the new technology fits with the business activities of the company and processes of the organization. Testing the technology will be another important step in ensuring that it fits in with the organizational needs. The IT department will test the program to ensure that it is well adopted in the company. Any bugs found will be dealt with especially by informing the developers.

Investigation of new technology is important before setting it up in the organization. Technology has many benefits, which can improve a company’s performance, and it is important to ensure that the processes are correctly linked to the working activities to provide more efficiency. Identifying various issues and seeking a solution to them will help in ensuring that the change processes takes place smoothly in the organization. The plan will concentrate on dealing with the various businesses processes as much as possible to ensure that disruption to the business processes is minimal. Knowing the technology will give the company enough information that will help in preparing the workforce (Waddell, Cummings & Worley, 2007). The company, in this case, will consider the use of new technology and the effect it has on the workforce and its processes. Therefore, the new technology will follow the various needs that the organization needs to be improved and workers told what to do.

Training and launching will further be done to ensure that the workforce is ready to embrace the new technology. The implementation of the technology will take place to ensure that workers graph the usage of the different systems. The workers will learn through the different pieces of training on how to use the different systems. Launching of the new technology and offering training will further ensure that the employees are not surprised when the company changes the various businesses processes (Moran, 2015). The launch will ensure that the people, in this case, are part of the process as they will be involved in the execution of the new change. The employees will be trained on the skills they need to get and further shown on how the technology will aid them in improving on their daily tasks.  The trainers will have follow-up programs to ensure that each worker understands the use of the technology. The plan will further include the evaluation process to be carried out to ensure that the new technology is effective.

Having change agents in place is important for the implementation of the new technology. Change agents understand more about the technology and will help in guiding their respective departments towards adopting the change. The change agents will be told of the various processes and enlightened to ensure that they educate their fellow colleagues at the workplace to prevent any negatively that may arise due to the adoption of the new technology. Such people will further help in lessening any opposition and reduce the resistance to change (Stanford, 2015). There are many processes that need to be changed in the adoption of the new technology, and therefore it is important to ensure that the worker is taken along systematically to understand them. The collaboration of the worker in the process of introducing the new technology will be important.

Coming up with the new technology, in this case, concerns the adoption of new technology to carry out business processes like communicating and the changes that will affect each worker. Communicating the change process is further going to be used in ensuring that the workforce has more knowledge on the new technology. Since each has different learning styles, the training will follow the various needs to ensure that all workers understand the process easily (Roper et al., 2013). Different kinds of learning materials will show the staff the various ways on using the new technology. The workers, in this case, will have to deal with the various communication processes especially in ensuring that the process is wholly understood by the company. Improving communication channels from the management to the workforce will further help in creating a better environment and boosting the learning process.


The process of dealing with new technology in the workplace is quite challenging. New technology entails changes to work processes that employees have long gotten used to. Therefore, to come up with new technology will involve collaboration between the workforce and the IT department. Collaboration between the departments, developers, and the workforce is important in ensuring that more people understand its use. Dealing with the interface will mean the involvement of the employees together with their feedback to ensure that the system in place is effective and helps in improving the work processes of the organization. The teamwork processes that will ensure the effective working and adoption of the technology will be done through the various interactions with the software and by the IT department.

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