Advanced Practice Nursing And How it Differs From Nursing Practice

Nursing practice refers to a caring-founded practice where in the treatment and diagnosis processes are employed to human experience of illness and health. The three basic nursing practices include restorative practices, promotive practices, and supportive practices. Restorative practices involve modifying the disease and illness effect on a patient. Supportive practice involves modifying the environment or relationships to support health. Promotive practices involve fostering familial and personal development, mobilizing living patterns and supporting self-defined goals of communities, families and persons (Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Enhancing Environmental Health Content in Nursing Practice et al, 1995).

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The main difference between nursing practice and advanced practice nursing is that nursing practice can be offered by any trained and qualified nurses with bachelor degree downward. However, in advance practice nursing a qualified nurse need to advance to a minimum of master level. Unlike in nursing practice where nurses concentrate on offering care, advanced practice nursing also involve patient care coordination. Advanced practice nurses have advanced knowledge compared to other nurses. Thus, advanced practice nursing involves the ability to make decisions and expertise in adverse areas that include assessment and diagnosis, implementation and planning, record-keeping and healthcare evaluation (Nurse Journal, 2019).

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There is generally a gap between nursing theories and advanced practice nursing. Advanced practice of nursing is highly related to learning theories compared to nursing theories (Wilson et al., 2015). However, according to Butts and Rich (2013) advanced practice of nursing can be related to a few nursing theories. Some of these nursing theories include the middle-range nursing theory and grand theories of nursing which directly translate research findings and theories into practice.   

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