Advertising Medias And Their Advantages And Disadvantages

Advertising is deemed as a form of marketing communication aimed at persuading an audience to take or proceed with some action, particularly based with commercial offering, or ideological or political support. The need for advertising can also be targeted at reassuring shareholders or employees that an organization or company is successful or viable. Advertising messages are commonly paid for by sponsors and viewed through various old media including mass media such as magazines, newspapers, radio advertisement, television advertisement, direct mail or outdoor advertising, or new media including text messages, blogs, and websites. Otherwise, this assignment is aimed at indicating advantages and disadvantages of the above mass media marketing tools (Hoffman & Fodor, 2010).

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Radio is deemed as the transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves of radio frequency particularly those channelling sound messages. However, this is probably not the leading thing that comes to someone’s mind when thinking about methods of advertising business since it is greatly depleted by Television, face book, among other online based means of marketing. Based on this, radio is often viewed to background noise since the marketers need to run their ad more that few times so as to make this ad effective.  Moreover, radio ad is seemed being ephemeral particularly while playing over the radio for optimum a minute. On the other hand, radio advertisement ensures targeting of specific audience and it is less expensive as compared to TV advertisements. Similarly, radio ads are easier and faster to produce as compared to television ads (Whitson, 2008).

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The television advertisement is viewed as a span of television programming made and paid for by an organization and it conveys messages basically to market goods or services. The TV ads are however endowed by various advantages and disadvantages. Significantly, the TV ads are capable of reaching larger audience as compared to local radio stations and newspapers; advertisements being received by viewers while they are most attentive; and providing marketers with opportunities of being creative and also allowing attachment of business personalities. Conversely, this form of advertisement is contained with various challenges including being expensive; difficulties while making changes in a given advertisement; and this advertisement is discriminative since it targets individuals those whom are well-up (De Vries, Gensler & Leeflang, 2012).

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Thirdly, newspaper is a considered as periodical publication containing news, and various informative articles, commonly advertising. Precisely, this form of marketing is contained with multiple advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, newspaper marketing is endowed with various benefits including; being competent as compared to other forms of advertisements; it can be economical as coined to media outlets; it allows marketers to reach targeted local markets. On the other hand, this form of marketing has some limitations such as cluttered landscape, leadership decline, as well as slowing the speed at which message is delivery to the audience (Michaelidou, Siamagka & Christodoulides, 2011).

Moreover, application of magazines as a mean of advertisement is confirmed to be faced with some barriers apart from showing some essential elements. On the view of advantages, this method of publication is backed with some benefits including being more targeted, having long life, passing on leadership; and classifying audiences into status. In contrary, magazines are contained with immense disadvantages such as cost of testing, graveyard, and also monthly deadline are provided in advance (Michaelidou, Siamagka & Christodoulides, 2011).

Direct mail advertisement comprises of cooperative mailings, by which an organizational ad goes out with various businesses, as well as solo advertising piece which only constitutes information from a single business. For instance, the cooperative advertising is confirmed to save a firm’s money, though solo ads are deemed to be more effective while generating orders and leads (Michaelidou, Siamagka & Christodoulides, 2011). This method of advertisement is considered to have various advantages including; being contained with higher targets since it enables sending of direct mail pieces to specific buying class with regard to major demographics such as age, household income, and gender; direct mailing is easier to track since it chances company to simply calculate their return on investment; and it is also highly informative. However, this method of advertising is also contained with immense disadvantages including subjecting marketers to higher cost of sending direct mail in huge number; forty-four percent of the entire mail recipients disregard mails hence throwing them to ‘mail junk’ even without needing to know the content of the received email (Whitson, 2008).

Outdoor advertising involves publicizing businesses’ products and services on billboards, bus benches, exteriors and interiors of buses, business vehicles and taxis, as well as signage posted on the external of personal brick-and-mortar location. Otherwise, this form of marketing is contained with diverse advantages and disadvantages. Based on the view of advantages this method is contained with immense benefits including making it possible for customer to search the buyer, targeting middle and upper classes, building company’s reputation and product image, quickening rise in sales, guaranteeing audience, the ad is eye-catching since it is huge, easing of registering information, heightening frequency of consumer exposure, it is effective medium of awareness advertising, and it involve photographs which are endowed with strong visual effect. On the negative view, the outdoor mode of advertising is contained with some disadvantages such as absence of feedback and advantage of space, limited information, failing to target specific market, it is a short term advertising tool, it is a stationary mode of advertising, it have risk concerning weather conditions and vandalism, and it is also cumbered with a visibility problem (Kim & Ko, 2012).

Additionally, online advertisement is a form of advertising and marketing employing the internet to convey promotional marketing messages to the buyers. This form of advertising includes search engine marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, web banner advertising, as well as mobile advertising. As like other forms of media advertising, online advertising commonly entails both a publisher who integrates advertisements into its online content and an advertiser who issues the advertisements to be demonstrated on publisher’s content. Otherwise, despite of internet marketing having lots of advantages it is also faced with some barriers (De Vries, Gensler & Leeflang, 2012).

To start with positive side, the method is confirmed to be endowed with essential elements. Foremost, it is an instant gratification since it allows customers to see company’s ad, hence enabling them to shop and buy without leaving their homes. Moreover, this is a geo-targeting mean since it provides the company with capability of geo-targeting its ads, thus ensuring they are only viewed and clicked by intended niche and geographic audience. On the other hand, this method is also viewed to be faced by some drawbacks. For instance, it is affected by advertising overloads since all advertisers are aimed at catching customer attention hence overwhelming customer with more information to digest. Moreover, gathering of online advertising campaign is vigorous and this can make this form of advertisement to become paralyzing. While summing up, the consumer is being provided with many choices hence getting confused of the best goods or services to consume (Hoffman & Fodor, 2010).

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